Wiki met studentenbijdrage
Een geweldig team van studenten van ons onderwijsprogramma heeft deze wiki gemaakt.
Cracked Screen
I dropped my Kindle and cracked the screen.
The Screen is Cracked
Everyone drops an electronic device once in a while. If you need to replace your screen, simply follow our guide here: Kindle Voyage Screen Replacement
Screen is Frozen
The screen won't change regardless of what I press.
The Device Needs a Reset
If you hold the power button down for 7 seconds, a menu should come up with the option to restart the device. If the device doesn't respond to this, try holding the power button down for 40 seconds to manually restart the device.
Drained/Bad Battery
Make sure that the battery is fully charged. If it won't charge, please refer to the section below titled "Battery Won't Charge."
Bad Display
If there are no issues with the power button or the battery, the most likely cause is a faulty display. See our guide here on how to replace it: Kindle Voyage Screen Replacement
Can't Connect to WiFi
My Kindle won't connect to the internet.
Faulty Internet Connection
Check to see if other devices can connect to the internet. If they can't, you may want to try a different WiFi connection or replace your router. If other devices can connect, it may be a problem with the Kindle.
Broken Wifi Antenna
If you believe the problem is with the Kindle, then you may need to replace the WiFi antenna inside the Kindle. Please see our guide here: Kindle Voyage Wifi Antenna Replacement
Sticky Power Button
My power button gets stuck.
Dirty button
If there is obvious residue on top of the button or on the sides of the button, you should attempt to clean it off. You may want to use compressed air to do this.
Uneven Lighting on Screen
My screen lighting is uneven.
Auto-Brightness is Off
One solution is to make sure auto-brightness is turned on. The device uses an ambient light sensor to automatically adjust the screen brightness, providing the right amount of light for the light setting the device is in. Having this feature turned on will help balance the lighting.
Lighting Conditions are Bad
If you still notice any uneven hues on your screen, you may have to improve your ambient lighting conditions. Having a bright screen with no ambient light in the night amplifies the problem.
Display Won't Light up
I have my kindle on, but its dark and the backlight isn't on.
Brightness Settings Need to Be Changed
First, check to make sure that the backlight has not been turned off in the settings. To do this, simply press the screen brightness button at the bottom of the page and move it to the desired level. Also, check to make sure that the Nightlight feature is off. To do this, go to Settings, Device Options, then Screen Light.
The Light Sensor is Broken
If the settings are correct and the screen is still not lighting up, then you may need to replace the ambient light sensor within the Kindle. The light sensor is used to automatically adjust the brightness of the screen. If it is damaged it may not light up the screen correctly. To do this please see our guide here: Kindle Voyage Ambient Light Sensor Replacement
Battery Won't Charge
I have my Kindle plugged in, but it won't charge.
Drained/Bad Battery
If the battery does not charge, then it should be replaced. You can see how to do this here: Kindle Voyage Battery Replacement
Device No Longer Vibrating
My Kindle isn't vibrating anymore.
Broken Vibrator
If the device is no longer vibrating when buttons are pressed, the vibrator probably needs to be replaced. A replacement guide can be found here: Kindle Voyage Vibrator Replacement
7 opmerkingen
My Kindle Voyager yellow charge light wont stay on i have to prop a sharpie pen under the male charge wire to keep the yellow light on if you just move the male charge wire the yellow light will go out the problem appears to be in the internal female charging port in the Kindle. Can you replace it. Half Moon Bay Calif. Thanks
Savino Carrieri - Antwoord
The Kindle Voyage uses MicroUSB, which has a female connection on the end of the cable. It’s small, so hard to see. The connector often gets clogged up with dust and gunk, so you could try giving it a gentle clean with a needle or pin or try a new cable.
Joe McConnell -
My voyage started turning pages without my pressing the pressure switch or touching the screen
Chad - Antwoord
hi did you manage to fix this
just_jj -
Where I can buy the new screen ??
MyDavydiv - Antwoord
My Voyage won’t charge properly.
The original symptom was the Kindle was fully charged, but the battery charge literally went from full to zero in under an hour, with the LED blinking orange. A blinking orange light is known as an aborted charge, usually indicated a bad battery or cable. It’s neither.
Initially I thought it was a bad battery and replaced it. The new battery had a factory charge, and the Voyage booted right up. Unfortunately in about an hour, I was back to square one - the battery was completely drained, and the Kindle was blinking orange again when charging - on USB (connected to a computer) and the original factory plug.
Anyone have suggestions? My kid’s Kindle Voyage (wifi only - mine is 3G) screen just broke, so I have spare parts now. I’m thinking it’s motherboard related - of course Amazon is useless. I’ve long since replaced my Voyage with an Oasis, but I still miss it. Other thought is to take my old Voyage and swap broken screens.
aarroyo - Antwoord
my kindle voyage touch function is not fully working
Saju Peter - Antwoord