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This is a fairly easy repair to do. If you are skilled and have the right tools, you can do this in an hour easy. It took me an hour and I was eating food between steps :D
If you lose the LCD filters or tear them, kaption tape that is used on Apple devices will suffice. Also with replacement Xperia LCDs, if you use clamps to set the adhesive, make sure they're not too tight as you can permanently damage the screen. Good luck!
It should be, yes. I've chopped and changed loads of Nexus 5 phone around and haven't had a problem.
It can, but it'll most likely break. Better of buying the complete unit. Granted it's expensive, but the phone is still worth at least £400.
I never change the glass because you can end up with bubbles, faulty/sloppy touch and the rest. Not to mention the glass will be third party and weaker as Samsung don't sell it separately.
Yeah I've done one of these and am literally about to do the 2nd one. Easy as you like :D
Be sure to purchase the LCD with frame as it's much quicker.
Stick a layer of parcel tape on the screen and you're good to go :D