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Hi Sheilaym 1, Everything we make can be washed, Cold water Low tumble dry. It's good to wash your shells every once in a while to remove dirt and oils.
Hi AMG, you can actually fix a hole using Seam Grip by either using LDPE on one side or a TPU patch before applying Seam Grip. Because of the location it would be easier to use a TPU patch, the adhesive would keep it in place while applying Seam Grip. Next apply seam grip to the other side liberally, extending past the hole by a 1/2" in all directions. Cover that with either another TPU patch or LDPE film with a flat weighted object to flatten out the repair while it cures. I hope that helps with future DIY endeavors.
Ciao Loris, puoi utilizzare un Markal B Paint Stick per contrassegnare le perdite. Puoi acquistarli su Amazon.
Hi Zuelkems, the simple answer is YES. Please see my reply above to a similar problem above.
Do you mean that your zipper slider came off the zipper altogether?
The most likely reason that your zipper opens up is that the slider is loose and unable to mesh or engage the coil element properly. You may be able to squeeze the slider at the top and bottom together with a pair of pliers to tighten it back up. Be mindful that you can over tighten or squeeze the slider and prevent it from moving. Do this incrementally, adding slight pressure and test the function to measure your progress.
Your other question: New sliders are just that, new and have not loosened up over time with use.
Another possibility or problem is that a section of the coil is out of alignment and can't mesh together. You might be able to simply bend the specific coil back into alignment like the other coils above and below are positioned. If neither of these solutions
If any of these three solutions don't work you can send it to Patagonia for Repair.
Hi Pam, I know you posted this in 2016, but this might help other as well. There is a chain stitch that YKK uses in manufacturing that holds the coil in place and helps keep each coil aligned. Likely at this point, you need a new zipper replacement. Because the chain stitch broke it will continue to unravel and cause problems with normal operation. Any Patagonia customer with this issue could send in their jacket for zipper replacement.
To determine what type and size of slider you might need, please check out this guide below. Video: Introduction to Zipper Types and Slider Identification
Once you know which type and size you need contact Patagonia Customer Service ( 1-800-638-6464) for a new Slider and Zipper Stop. Please have your type and size available to provide to the CS Agent.
Tools for the job were listed above in the "Tools" section, if you place your cursor over the link a little window will pop up. If you click on it it will take you to a vendor to purchase any tool that needed.
Good Luck.
To determine what type and size of slider you might need, please check out this guide below. Video: Introduction to Zipper Types and Slider Identification
Once you know which type and size you need contact Patagonia Customer Service ( 1-800-638-6464) for a new Slider and Zipper Stop. Please have your type and size available to provide to the CS Agent.
Tools for the job were listed above in the "Tools" section, if you place your cursor over the link a little window will pop up. If you click on it it will take you to a vendor to purchase any tool that needed.
Good Luck.
To determine what type and size of slider you might need, please check out this guide below. Video: Introduction to Zipper Types and Slider Identification
Once you know which type and size you need contact Patagonia Customer Service ( 1-800-638-6464) for a new Slider and Zipper Stop. Please have your type and size available to provide to the CS Agent.
Tools for the job were listed above in the "Tools" section, if you place your cursor over the link a little window will pop up. If you click on it it will take you to a vendor to purchase any tool that needed.
Good Luck.
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