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Hi, Maria here and welcome to my profile!


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I am a sophomore at Gateway Community College, majoring in Information Technologies. I have always enjoyed taking things apart and putting them back together again, especially when it comes to tech. Technology is always advancing so there will always be something new to learn.


I like to pick up new hobbies all the time, from sculting to coin collecting. Gaming has to be the one hobby I have stuck with through out the years. some of my earliest memories are playing Halo and Munch’s Oddysee. Nowadays I mostily play openworld RPGs and horror games in my free time.


  • Adaptability
  • Creative Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Deductive Reasoning

Fun Fact

When I have free time I like to spend time with my animals. I am lucky enough to have my german shepherd, Sophie, and my cat Calcifer. Their personalities are polar opposites and it is quite amusing to watch them interact with each other. I have had Sophie for about 3 years and Calcifer for about 7 years.

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Wiki's waar ik aan heb bijgedragen

Maria Williams








Lid sinds 09/02/21
