Your Information about type / direction is a bit contradictory : In Model Name you write B Type, and later on you write about forward direction, which is Type A. ------ I assume, that the cable is: forward-direction = Type A ( Source of my assumption: the shopping links below ; one comment at a shopping link ; the images from open device ). I assume, that is Pitch 0.5 mm . Pitch is the distance between the Pins. ( Source of my assumption: At my Device "Flip 4", the Pitch is 0.5 . Also the images looks like. ) (1) Search in Shops for "FFC cable 13Pin A 20cm 0.5" (2) Compare the old and new cables. (3) Maybe you must trim/modified the ending (the blue part). The blue part should be maximal ~ 0,5 mm long, at least at my Model. Mostly that is already OK for 13 Pin cable. If not: Take a look at my Guide "Flex cable Replacement for ( the other Model ) "JBL Flip 4". There is also a picture of two cables (Type A and Type B ), you will see the different. Based on your Information: Here a few some shopping links, if...
Das sollte am Stecker liegen. Die Kabel direkt im/am Stecker sind mechanisch stark belastet (zug/biegen). Ich habe damals einen neuen Stecker angelötet. Bei mir war das einfach ein Telefonhörer-stecker (siehe Foto).