SUCCESS!!!!! All worked great, took a bit to reboot after back up restore. Part of the issue why it took so long I had to turn WiFi back on. Then it uploaded all my settings once I signed into my Apple ID account.
Super simple. Installed mine in about 1 minute after installing my new Aura Pro X2. Haven’t tested yet as I’m still restoring my MacBook Pro from time machine back up.
I just installed a OWC Aura Pro 1T in my mid 2014 MacBook Pro. Reviews were really good, OWC makes SSD’s for macs. Review on Macworld were good and they won awards back in 2011. So far no issues. Ironically the SSD originally came in my MacBook is a sandisk from apple. Almost 5 years and never had issues. Just too small of an SSD. Keeping it in the OWC EnvoyPro enclosure that came with the upgrade kit.
I just replaced my mid 2014 MacBook Pro 128 GB SSD to the Aura Pro X2 1T. Taking the old SSD out was easy but installing the new Aura pro X2 took several tries. I thought it was not going to fit as it only seated part way. I was getting a little worried but after a few tries I got it to seat all the way in. Formatted the drive per OWC instructions on their site and I’m waiting on the Time Machine Back-Up to complete. OWC site had a few e xtra steps than ifixit steps. MacBook Pro booted up fine and displayed the new Aura SSD. Formatted as noted in instructions as well. No issues to this point. I will update once restore is done. HOPE ALLWORKS FINE!!!!
Removing the battery connector took a bit of finagling. It wasn’t as easy as one would think. Be very careful when doing this as they warn to not damage it. Otherwise great instructions!!!!