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Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij

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  1. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Verwijder de schroeven uit het achterste paneel: stap 1, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Zorg dat je toestel, voordat je met deze procedure begint, volledig is uitgeschakeld.

    • Gebruik een Y00-schroevendraaier om de vier 6.3 mm lange schroeven die het achterste paneel bevestigen los te schroeven.

    • Zorg dat je, tijdens deze reparatie, bijhoudt welke schroef waar vandaan komt zodat je zorgt dat alle schroeven op de juiste plek worden terug geplaatst.

    All my screws got stripped any ideas on how to remove?

    Almost A Mammal - Antwoord

    A Y0 screwdriver seemed to work better for me.

    Tommy Morrill - Antwoord

    What type of screw driver do I use to un screw the screws and which way

    Luca Capito - Antwoord

    Y 0.6 was all I had but it seemed to fit perfectly

    Trevor - Antwoord

    Like really snug? I've gotten away with using Drivers either bigger or smaller but I hate doing it. But if 0.6 is the exact size I need, then I'll get that. I don't wanna strip my client's Switch Lite's screws.

    Vincent Valodze -

  2. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Verwijder de bovenste en onderste schroeven uit het achterste paneel: stap 2, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Verwijder de bovenste en onderste schroeven uit het achterste paneel: stap 2, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Gebruik een JIS 000- of een officiële iFixit Phillips 000-schroevendraaier om de volgende schroeven, waarmee het achterste paneel bevestigd is, te verwijderen:

    • Twee 3.6 mm lange schroeven aan de bovenkant van het toestel.

    • Twee 3.6 mm lange schroeven aan de onderkant van het toestel.

    • Om te voorkomen dat je deze strakke schroeven doordraait of stript, zorg je dat je een stevige neerwaartse kracht uitoefent, langzaam te werk gaat en een andere schroevendraaier probeert als de schroeven er niet uit komen.

    I accidentally stripped the back screw and now I can't open it. I removed all the other screws. What should I do?

    tiggytiger555 - Antwoord

  3. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Maak de klemmen die het achterste paneel bevestigen los: stap 3, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Maak de klemmen die het achterste paneel bevestigen los: stap 3, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Steek een openingstool in de linker speakergrill, aan de onderkant van het toestel.

    • Kantel je openingstool om de klemmen die het achterste paneel bevestigen los te maken.

    • Probeer je openingstool niet verder dan nodig in het toestel te steken om te voorkomen dat je de speakermodule beschadigt.

  4. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Maak de klemmen rondom het toestel los: stap 4, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Maak de klemmen rondom het toestel los: stap 4, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Schuif je openingstool langs de linker onderhoek om de klemmen aan de linkerkant van het toestel los te klikken.

  5. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Draai om de klemmen los te maken: stap 5, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Draai om de klemmen los te maken: stap 5, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Steek een openingstool in de rechter speakergrill die zich aan de onderkant van het toestel bevindt.

    • Kantel je openingstool om de klemmen los te klikken.

    • Voorkom dat je je openingstool te diep in het toestel steekt, aangezien je daarmee riskeert de speakermodule te beschadigen.

  6. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Schuif en wrik rond de hoeken: stap 6, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Schuif en wrik rond de hoeken: stap 6, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Schuif je openingstool richting en om de rechter onderhoek en duw ondertussen de behuizing van het toestel open. Als het goed is komen de klemmen aan de rechterkant van het toestel los.

  7. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 7, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 7, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Schuif je openingstool langs de opening aan de bovenkant van het toestel en wrik de behuizing onderwijl open om de klemmen ook hier los te maken.

  8. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Verwijder het achterste paneel: stap 8, afbeelding 1 van 3 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Verwijder het achterste paneel: stap 8, afbeelding 2 van 3 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Verwijder het achterste paneel: stap 8, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • Til de onderkant van het achterste paneel omhoog, waardoor het toestel zich opent als een boek.

    • Verwijder het achterste paneel.

  9. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Verwijder de beschermplaat: stap 9, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Gebruik een JIS 000- of een officiële iFixit Phillips 000-schroevendraaier om de volgende vier schroeven te verwijderen:

    • Drie 3.1 mm lange schroeven

    • Eén 4.5 mm lange schroef

    There are four screws instead of three mentioned

    Khurram Chaudry - Antwoord

    it doesnt mention 3 anywhere, and it labels all four

    Ezi - Antwoord

    With how easy it seems to be to do serious damage with the next few steps, I figured I'd say that realistically you can skip steps 9-13 when doing this repair. While they provide a bit of extra security by disconnecting the battery, the left stick is completely accessible and replaceable without touching the heat shield or anything underneath (And steps 17 and 18 disconnect power from the daughter board regardless).

    Nate - Antwoord

    i stripped a &&^&^$^ screw

    SpongebobFan254 - Antwoord

    Well I actually removed the screw right next to the 4.5 screw. I did not realize it till my son showed me why the plate wouldn't release. Ha ha, it's funny now but yeah not a big deal. I could have bent it badly assuming I took all screws out though. For anyone reading this before going in. 👍

    Toastninja - Antwoord

  10. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 10, afbeelding 1 van 3 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 10, afbeelding 2 van 3 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 10, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • Gebruik een spudger of je vingers om de beschermplaat uit het toestel omhoog te tillen en te verwijderen.

    • Je kunt wat weerstand voelen in deze stap. Dit is normaal, aangezien de beschermplaat lichtjes aan het koellichaam is bevestigd met behulp van thermische lijm.

    • Verwijder de beschermplaat.

    • Verwijder de oude thermische lijm van de beschermplaat en het koellichaam met behulp van wat isopropyl alcohol en een stuk stofvrij doek. Breng nieuwe thermische lijm aan op het koellichaam voordat je je telefoon weer volledig in elkaar zet en sluit.

    You may need to replace the thermal paste on the heat sink.

    ahoz28 - Antwoord

    What type of Thermal Paste would you guys recommend? I clicked on the picture but nothing.

    Vincent Valodze - Antwoord

    Personnaly i use some Mx-6 from Artic, really good quality/price, never have to complain.

    Nothing -

  11. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Koppel de batterij los: stap 11, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Koppel de batterij los: stap 11, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Gebruik een openingstool of je nagel om de kleine, gescharnierde bevestigingsklem op de ZIF-aansluiting van de interconnectkabel van het moederbord open te klappen.

    The clip broke off when trying to remove this cable. Audio only works through headphones and the display now won’t turn on after the clip broke. Does anyone know where I could get a clip or how I could fix it without it?

    Alexz Zepeda - Antwoord

    Mi è successa la stessa cosa è non so come ripararla! Chissà se c’è un modo!

    Paolo De Falco -

  12. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 12, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 12, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Gebruik een pincet om de interconnectkabel uit het contact op het moederbord te schuiven.

    • Gebruik in deze stap geen metalen pincet! Sommige reparateurs menen dat een metalen pincet kortsluiting kan veroorzaken bij de lintkabel/aansluiting. Het is daarom veiliger om een plastic pincet te gebruiken.

    I turned the unit off beforehand, I used tweezers just like the instructions said (ifixit branded) , my device sparked and now it won’t turn back on

    User Service - Antwoord

    The flap came off is it important or is there a way t fix it?

    Jose Cruz R Rangel Cordero - Antwoord

    We're you able to get it working without the white flap? My screen is not working after putting it back together and i noticed this white flap was falling off

    Jimmy “Ghost” Trost -

    Did you get it working without the white flap? Everything on the switch works fine except for audio going through headphones and the display not turning on.

    Alexz Zepeda -

    do not use metal sharp pointed tweezers! you will rip your ribbon cable. Use the inside of a Bic type pen or something else dull and plastic to pull the cable away by putting the pen part where the first bend is.

    Christopher Bales (C.J.) - Antwoord

    Anyone figure out how to fix this? my device shorted in this step.

    Acord - Antwoord

    Maybe tape the Tweezers or smear some hot glue on them to insulate them to save you time and money.

    Vincent Valodze - Antwoord

    Maybe put all the Warnings at the start of the guide as well. We fix it geeks tend to get excited when fixing things 😁

    Vincent Valodze - Antwoord

  13. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 13, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 13, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Gebruik de punt van een spudger om de batterijaansluiting in een rechte beweging uit het contact op het moederbord te duwen.

    Caution the connector may not be properly soldered onto the motherboard. For me it snapped off the pins and now have to find a place to get that fixed if even possible. may have bricked it.

    Craig Osman - Antwoord

    Yup, broke the connector right off the motherboard. Thanks, ifixit -_-

    Justin Kerr - Antwoord

    I backed out when I reached this point. I couldn't risk damaging it. Do u just need to pull it up? Did you mean that it might have been soldered shut below?

    Jannalyzer - Antwoord

    You should just need to pull straight up, but make sure you’re pulling on the wires or the gray plug—do not pull on the black socket or it can snap off of the motherboard.

    Adam O'Camb -

    I pulled straight up from the south side on under 2 or three wires and held down the device as I pulled and the gray connector disconnected from the black connector on the Switch. Just be careful at this part.

    Jon - Antwoord

    With how easy it seems to be to do serious damage at this point, I figured I'd say that realistically you can skip steps 9-13 when doing this repair. While they provide a bit of extra security by disconnecting the battery, the left stick is completely accessible and replaceable without touching the heat shield or anything underneath (And steps 17 and 18 disconnect power from the daughter board regardless).

    Nate - Antwoord

    just broke my connector... ifixit PLEASE put a warning on how fragile the solder on this connector is.

    Nate Mascis - Antwoord

    Note for this step, you do not need to apply a lot of force. I used two tools here: small screwdriver to hold down the black base, and one side of fine-tipped tweezers to get under all 3 wires. Gently, push down on the tweezers to push the wires upwards, which should force the gray connector up and off the base. It did not take a lot of force. Take your time and it will be fine. Again, like others have said, do NOT pull or pry up the black base.

    Christopher Gillett - Antwoord

  14. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Verwijder de batterij: stap 14, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij, Verwijder de batterij: stap 14, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Dien wat druppels lijmverwijderaar of hooggeconcentreerde isopropylalcohol toe (90% of hoger) in de inkeping aan de bovenkant van de batterij.

    • Als je lijmverwijderaar gebruikt, volg je eerst deze instructies om alles in orde te maken voordat je begint.

  15. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 15, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 15, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Kantel de bovenkant van het toestel zodat de isopropylalcohol onder de batterij door kan lopen.

    • Houd het toestel gedurende 1-2 minuten zo, zodat de vloeistof de tijd heeft om de lijm te verzwakken.

  16. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 16, afbeelding 1 van 3 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 16, afbeelding 2 van 3 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 16, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • Steek een openingsplectrum in de opening tussen de batterij en de rand van de batterijruimte.

    • Steek de punt van je openingsplectrum voorzichtig onder de batterij en schuif deze langs de kanten om de lijm door te snijden.

    • Zorg dat je niet in de batterij steekt of de batterij vervormt met je tool—een doorboorde of gebogen batterij kan gevaarlijke chemicaliën lekken of een gevaarlijk ongeluk teweegbrengen.

    It is not mentioned in any of the steps, but in this picture you can see that the strip that has the Volume & Power buttons is removed. I ended up tearing mine while trying to pry the battery out, so I recommend using the opening tool to release the clamp on it and to remove the piece until reassembly.

    Jacob Pierce - Antwoord

  17. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 17, afbeelding 1 van 2 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 17, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Laat je openingsplectrum op z'n plek zitten en dien wat meer druppels lijmverwijderaar of isopropylalcohol toe in de ruimte waar de batterij zich bevindt.

    • Dien niet meer dan een aantal druppels per keer toe om te voorkomen dat de vloeistof onder het scerm loopt en het scherm beschadigt.

    • Kantel de bovenkant van het toestel naar boven en wacht ongeveer 1-2 minuten om de isopropylalcohol of lijmverwijderaar in te laten trekken en de lijm te verzwakken.

    • Ga vervolgens door met het schuiven van je openingsplectrum langs de bovenkant van de batterij en snijd hierbij alle lijm door die je tegenkomt.

    Don't use isopropyl alcohol for this step! Too much will leak behind the battery well and damage the LCD screen, and 1-2 drops is NOT enough to loosen the adhesive here. Highly recommend getting specific adhesive remover, or using a hair dryer (cool to warm setting, no more than 60*F) to loosen the adhesive. Learn from my mistake!

    Ashley Conway - Antwoord

    Just want to second Ashley’s comment here. I spent a lot of time and elbow grease prying that pick in there with IPA to no avail. I’m glad I saw their comment because with the hair dryer on medium I got the thing off in 5 minutes. Fortunately, I didn’t have the same leaking into the screen experience with the many more than a couple drops of alcohol I put behind the battery.

    Jacob Pierce - Antwoord

    I read the comments too late cus I just &&^&@@ up my screen with alcohol drops.

    Nikko Lorrel Pierstorff - Antwoord

    I wish I had seen this, because I definitely damaged my LCD and had to replace it. I asked them to update the guide, and they said they've never had anyone have issues with it. Obviously that's not the case!

    sgthebee - Antwoord

  18. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 18, afbeelding 1 van 3 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 18, afbeelding 2 van 3 Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 18, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • Als er eenmaal genoeg ruimte is gecreëerd, steek je een plastic kaart onder de batterij en duw je de batterij langzaam omhoog.

    • Het kan nodig zijn om meer isopropylalcohol toe te dienen als je moeite hebt met het omhoog duwen van de batterij.

    • Probeer de batterij niet te verbuigen tijdens het omhoog duwen.

    • Verwijder de batterij.

    • Hergebruik een gebruikte batterij nooit nadat deze is verwijderd, aangezien dit een potentieel gevaar kan opleveren. Vervang deze altijd door een nieuwe batterij.

    Great read, and good of you to spend time explaining how to swap out battery. Imo id rather spend another £200 on another switch lite than go through the thermal paste and iPa also worrying if I hadn't done something right..

    Best regards Simon

    Bit - Antwoord

  19. Nintendo Switch Lite Vervanging van de batterij: stap 19, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Gebruik lijmverwijderaar of isopropylalcohol en een stuk stofvrij doek om de lijmresten in de ruimte waar de batterij zich bevond te verwijderen voordat je die nieuwe batterij installeert.

    • Als je nieuwe batterij niet wordt geleverd met vooraf op maat gesneden kleefstrips kun je deze handleiding gebruiken om op maat gesneden kleefstrips of dubbelzijdige tape aan de onderkant van de batterij te bevestigen.

    Now where do I get the new battery that actually fits?

    Jackson Rogers - Antwoord

    It may be better to go through the screen replacement guide and remove the midframe assembly before trying to remove the battery. The amount of alcohol or acetone you will need to remove the battery will risk the screen and the plastic underneath. It's definitely more work, but the difficulty is the same if you're doing the battery replacement, just takes longer and needs more thermal paste.

    Shaun Dalrymple - Antwoord

    I just want to add that removing this adhesive was a massive pain and it took me both nearly half a bottle of iFixit adhesive remover plus the hair drier trick (medium heat, about 5 min) to finally get it out. But it did finally come out.

    Brandon Wright - Antwoord

    Ripping the battery out is awful. Don't even risk it. You have to apply so much force just to get it to move half a mm. I used iso and the hairdryer. Finally got it out but punctured the old one while giving the last few heaves with a screwdriver. Do not recommend! . It got hot and started smoking. When I got the new battery in and hooked everything back up, my screen was dead. Top buttons also dead. It turns on but only by holding the home button. Must have damaged the ribbon cable during my fight with the battery. Just take it to a shop.

    Christopher Gillett - Antwoord


Volg deze instructies in omgekeerde volgorde om je apparaat weer in elkaar te zetten.

Kalibreer je nieuwe batterij na het voltooien van deze handleiding. Zo weet je zeker dat je batterij optimaal kan presteren.

Breng je elektronische afval naar een door R2 of e-Stewards gecertificeerd recycle-stationm.

Reparatie niet volgens plan verlopen? Bezoek onze algemene probleemoplossingspagina,

of stel je vraag op ons Nintendo Switch Lite Antwoordenforum voor hulp bij het oplossen van je probleem.

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Craig Lloyd

Lid sinds: 02/10/16

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I am preparing to repair my daughters nintendo switch light. It has stopped charging out of no where. I have all the tools, I just can't find the battery anywhere. Where would you recommend buying it from?

Aryana Lograsso - Antwoord

If you are still looking Ifixit sells one themselves Nintendo Switch Lite Battery

Edward hett -

Thanks for the guide. Battery replacement kits are now available on Amazon: (they weren’t in November! I was also looking for this during that time)

Unfortunately, the battery was much harder to remove than I expected. I did use a lot of isopropyl alcohol, but the adhesive they use really was giving me a lot of trouble. I should’ve wisened up and googled other adhesive removal methods or tried a new approach other than prying with the spudgers.

Well, now the LCD now has what looks like pressure damage in the bottom left where I’d imagine a lot of the prying pressure went. It is much more noticeable when the screen goes all-white, and not too bad with darker colors.

I don’t blame iFixit for my mistake of course, and it is really disappointing that Nintendo used the amount of adhesive that they did. But I hope this comment can serve as a warning to others attempting this repair to be more gentle even if it’s refusing to come off.

vmgm - Antwoord

Yikes! Sorry to hear this. How did you pry with the spudger exactly? If you kept it around the top edge of the battery well then I would assume it wouldn’t damage the screen, but if you inserted the end of the spudger deeper in the battery well and used that point as the fulcrum, then I could see that putting a lot of pressure on the back of the LCD.

Craig Lloyd -

@craiglloyd I did an embarrassing amount of spudger prying pretty much everywhere along the top/bottom of the battery, I actually broke a few spudger tips in the process so that might reveal something about my approach…

But, I’m starting to think it may not be LCD damage after all, but rather some isopropyl alcohol caught behind the screen– During my prying, the Switch case was getting pretty heavily warped, so maybe some of the alcohol (that I definitely used in excess) slipped in and got sandwiched under the screen? I started to notice this since the blotches seem like they’ve moved over time. Here’s an image of the screen now (and the dark gray blotch along the leftside isn’t a shadow, white spots in bottom left I thought were pressure damage)

It’s still very usable / not noticeable on black colors and thanks again for the guide! I can give the screen more time to see if it improves at all, or maybe try going back in and trying to see it is trapped alcohol that can be released

vmgm -

Have the marks faded over time? We have had the ame issue and believe it is the isopropyl alcohol :/ we didn't use loads but found there was a gap at the bottom of where the battery is held which clearly let some of the alcohol through. I'm really hoping it will evaporate over time but not sure :/

Bryony Ellis -

Sadly no, the marks are still there, and haven’t been motivated to try to fix yet. I’ve seen some videos online where people can coerce trapped isopropyl alcohol out without having to take a screen apart, but have been hesitant to try out some of the methods.

vmgm -

Any way of fixing the discolored left corner screen issues? I did a battery replacement and a very small portion of the lower left color is discolored.

Mike - Antwoord

I ended up with the same alcohol damage on the bottom left of the screen as some of the other comments here. Don’t use alcohol or if you do use VERY VERY little. I didn’t think I used much.

pixi - Antwoord

Thanks for the detailed procedure. I followed the guide closely except for the battery removal procedure. The battery module is wrapped in foil backed plastic. This is easy to slice around the battery edges with an exacto knife. Once it is free, I could lever the battery module out of the bay. Then, I was able to trim the foil outer wrap into strips with the knife and peel it away in pieces. Now I am ready to install my new battery as soon as it arrives.

nickmoore72 - Antwoord

Same problem here with the Isoproponol which has left my sons screen really discoloured.

Can I suggest you update this tear down as I have always relied on Ifixit for both tool kits and guides and it is a shame that this has left my sons switch damaged. I do expect a bit better of a company that sells parts and tools to do this stuff.

Thanks however for the brilliant Ifixit tool kits.

Adrian Trise - Antwoord

after changing the battery I have gotten the 2101-0001 error code, how do i fix this?

Abby Brandt - Antwoord

What kind of thermal paste are we to use?

Jonathan Bell - Antwoord

réparation super facile, juste un peu de patience avec l'alcool isopropylique, mais sinon, rien de plus simple à remplacer :D

vendramelionel - Antwoord

As other people have said, the alcohol got into my unit’s display. I was able to get rid of it by using a hair dryer until the screen got really hot. I then used a suction cup on the screen to push and pull. You can see the “bubbles” start to go away. You may need to place it in several areas of the display. It is a bit scary as you need a good amount of force, but eventually it worked itself out. The display now looks perfect. Note that I left the glass screen protector on while I did this.

Commandorando - Antwoord

Same problem here too. Isopropanol also discolored my screen. Along with some mild pulling I assume that's unfixable? (price for a new/refurbished one makes it not worth... for me anyway) The dark clouds have lessened over a few days, but the lighter area that might have has the additional pulling seems to be the same.

David Schoneveld - Antwoord

Discard and it felt and it wasn't my fault since the Nintendo switch. Just fell and it wasn't my fault.

Julie Robbins - Antwoord

The dark splotches on the screen, that result from all the isopropyl alcohol needed to dissolve the unreasonable amount of glue under the battery, are not worth the caution. Especially, considering that to replace the screen costs three times what the battery does. I disassembled the backlight and air dried the different layers; I had 5 out. But that did not help! They were already stained by the alcohol. I tried using Zeiss lens cleaner, but that did not help much. The splotches are not as dark now, but they are still there. I think there is still more alcohol trapped between other layers.

My recommendation is to fully discharge the battery, put on eye protection, and use a "jimmy" and plastic cards to remove the battery. By the looks of it, I think that is certainly what iFixit did in their teardown article.

Alexandar Tzanov - Antwoord

One trick I found was to stack picks under the battery to help push the battery out and away from the housing. Once i ran out of picks, i was able to put the jimmy between two of the picks and pop the battery the rest of the way out.

minecraftchest1 - Antwoord

That is actually a good idea - reducing friction and increasing pressure. When I did it, I only used a single card, which ended up deformed by the time the glue separated!

Alexandar Tzanov -

There should be a much bigger, URGENT warning in the guide about the dangers of using alcohol for this. My screen is trashed now because I'm a doofus and i didn't read the comments until after following the guide. My new battery is great though!! Unfortunately now I have to replace my screen. And if I'm replacing the screen, I might as well add a custom shell. A repair that should have been cheap and easy is now leading me into a spiral of addiction to modding and customization.

Mudz Niccals - Antwoord

Agreed! I've added the following warning to the relevant step, but it still needs verification from moderators:

wiggles -

hi, I have ordered all the parts from ifixit and followed the precedence. however once closed the switch does not turn on. only when plugged into the charger does the nintendo lettering and the image of the battery being charged appear. once removed from the charger it remains without any signs of life. do you have any advice?

Dorian - Antwoord

My Nintendo Switch Lite Battery Is Dropping Faster So I’m Gonna Need A New Battery For My Nintendo Switch Lite - Antwoord

When I did this repair, I didn't have that bottle that they showed in the review, but from what other people are saying in the comments, maybe it's a good thing I didn't.

What I did was get a bowl and put some isopropyl alcohol in it, and then just dip the plastic card or pick in it (if you don't have the plastic cards, an old credit card or something would probably work), and then work that in between every side of the battery, while tilting the switch to try and get the drips off the card into the battery.

Then when I had to pry, I started with one plastic card, then I layered two on top of each other to get a bit more force, and just slowly but surely pried it out, it took quite a long time.

As far as I can tell, this method worked quite well, the new battery works, and there's no damage to the screen at all.

Another tip I have for this repair is, use a mat with numbered screws, and print out the screw diagrams this site has and write the screw number on them.

Hope that helps!

jwaffe - Antwoord

Removing the original battery is the hardest part. What worked for me easily and without isopropyl alcohol was using a half of a plastic card which is narrow and you have room to move it around and remove the glue. Also I started prying from the bottom of the battery as it has much more space than from the top.

Just keep pushing the card in all directions and in a few minute you will get more than 70% of the glue removed, then place a picker to keep the battery up, l in a way that the glue don't stick again. The last 30% should require a few seconds.

This process didn't require me much pressure/force, so go slow and easy.

Good luck

Danilo - Antwoord

I replaced the battery and all went well, functions beautifully, but when I go to put the backplate back on the screen goes dark. It still functions- makes noise and plays games with button input, but as long as the plastic backplate is on the screen goes black. Anyone have any ideas why??

Rowan - Antwoord

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