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Fan will not turn on
The fan will not turn ON, even though I pressed the Power button.
Not plugged in
Make sure the plug is securely plugged into the outlet. If so, try unplugging the unit and plugging it into another outlet to test if the original outlet was the problem.
Make sure the Power button to turned to ON
The fan may not be working because it has been overused and has overheated. Try unplugging the fan for at least 15 minutes, and then plug in the fan again. When you do this, make sure the fan is OFF while it is resting. Also, make sure you turn the fan to ON after plugging it back in.
Dead Motor
If the previous solutions have not been successful, the motor may be dead. If the motor is dead, it will need to be replaced. Please refer to the Guide to Replace Motor.
Fan vibrates making a lot noise
The fan is making too much noise.
Uneven Surface
The fan may be on an unbalanced surface. Try placing the fan on carpet, sometimes hard surfaces can cause vibrations.
Dust Clogging the Fan
Dust can cause parts of the fan to clog up. Remove parts of the fan to clean the inside of it. To do this, please refer to the guide on How To Disassemble Fan.
Loose Parts
Rattling noises can be caused by loose parts.Take apart the Lasko fan to see if any screws have came loose or have fell in fan. If so, refer to the Guide to Replace Screws.
Fan Does Not Oscillate
The fan simply will not turn and rotate left to right.
Something Stuck in Fan
The fan is separated into two components, with a knob in between them. Make sure that nothing is stuck between the two components. If you see anything stuck, make sure to remove it. Please refer to the guide on How To Disassemble Fan.
Motor is Wet
Each fan has a oscillating motor plus a blade motor. It is possible that water may have entered into the surface, affecting either of the two motors. Check to see if there are any moisture surrounding them. You can do this by disassembling the fan and cleaning it off. Please refer to the guide on How To Disassemble Fan.
Faulty Wire
If the wire is somehow damaged or tensed, it could prevent the movements. Check to see if anything is placed on the wire, or if the wire is stuck under a table leg.
Need to Replace Oscillating Motor
Every fan has an oscillating motor inside. If the troubleshooting tips mentioned above do not work, this might mean that the problem may be the product itself and you may need to replace a new oscillating motor.
Unable to Change Filter
The filter is dirty and may need to be replaced.
No Instructions to Replace Filter
Unfortunately, there are instructions in the user manual on how to change the filter. First, you will need to disassemble the fan. To do this, please refer to the guide on How To Disassemble Fan. After the fan is disassembled, please refer to the Guide to Replace Filter.
38 opmerkingen
With all due respect to the author, I can say with 100% certainty that you’re not entirely up to speed on Fans.Very few fans have a oscillating motor. Most of them use the fan motor itself through a series of gears to make it oscillate. But that’s only if you have an oscillating fan. Most fans are actually box fans or stationary fans that do not have an oscillating motor
Dave Kelley - Antwoord
Dave is not a fan
george.gayl - Antwoord
I had my Lasko oscillating fan 1 summer the next summer it worked for a few days and now nothing. I paid $69.00 from home Depot and I am very upset I bought 2 at the same time and both did the same thing lights come on but no fan. If the motor go out this fast this product is useless..
darlene phillips - Antwoord
Had the same problem waise of
June Gordon -
Mine lasted 2 mos bought the large one paid over a 100..Lowes refused to take it back as I lost receipt but looked it up on my credit card to tell me it was over 30 days..Dont waste your money or time they are not worth it!
banuelos53 -
I am having the exact same issue waste of 80$
Amanda Marasch -
Same here. It was just a waste of money for real. I will never buy another lasko fan. This has happened to me twice now
Frances Moorer -
It really useless they should discontinue selling them I buy it from home depot
June Gordon - Antwoord
So I guess the lasko oscillating fan only works for a few months total?
Cassie Kimbrough - Antwoord
Same issue, I have a Lasko pedestal fan and the lights come on but all of the sudden the fan blade doesn’t turn . Only had it for about a year.
Jason Scandling - Antwoord
I've only had mine for a few months and it's doing the same thing 🤦🏽♀️smdh
Frances Moorer -
My Lasko product is Dead. I suspect that the Motor is dead because I tried everything. Made in China Piece of $@$*.
guspapay - Antwoord
I bought this fan last week and used it twice. Turned it to blow the other way and it just stopped after being on for ten minutes! The motor won't make a noise at all! Will never buy this brand again!
Elesha Sizemore - Antwoord
Bought the fan when I got it home put it together and it wouldn't even turn on. It's a piece of $@$*
becky19644444 -
same here waste of money worked for a Month
Randy YG pazant - Antwoord
Fan was knocked over. I checked and reassembled blade components so that’s not the trouble. When I hit on button a yellow light or a red light comes on. What’s wrong? How do I fix it?
Sara Adams - Antwoord
I had a Lasko box fan for 3 years but it has finally died. I did not really like it since it kept falling over at the highest speed. I won't buy a box fan again!!!
Deb Kolmodin - Antwoord
I had my Lasko box fan for a couple months. Not sturdy at all. Fell over and stopped working. Trouble shot and took no avail. What a rip off.
Jamie Romero - Antwoord
don't ever buy a lasko fan!!!!!!! they are crap!!!!!
becky19644444 -
It is JUCK just stop working.
Ronald Thomas - Antwoord
Same thing happened to me. The fan worked one day and the next day I tried to turn it on and nothing. The lights come on but nothing else. they are definitely faulty. I rarely use it and have had it about 8 months. This is awful.
D. Ukegbu - Antwoord
Okay I bought the latest lasko oscillating fan and I got it home and it won't even work I went through all the troubleshooting and it just will not work the piece of $@$*
becky19644444 - Antwoord
Same. My first Lasko 5 speed oscillating fan lasted 5 years until my daughter borrowed it and killed it being a klutz. Bought a new one and it just silently fell asleep the other night and nothing I do is working. Lights are on, no one's home. I would say this blows but if it did I wouldn't be here. This is a shame. Any recommendations? For a brand, I mean?
Iseabail - Antwoord
Well I bought my fan over the summer and while cleaning up the Christmas decorations, I turned the fan on and it didn't work. The lights came on but nothing else. I'm very mad because I spent $80 on this fan and can't take it back now. What a crock of $@$*!! Thanks Lasko
justuskygals - Antwoord
I agree this fan should be redesigned. I wouldn't recommend the same for reasons that follows: Basic maintenance (cleaning "blades" is difficult, although the fan concept (tower fan) is a good one
Jose M. Mendez - Antwoord
Mine too and lasko no help
evelynkennedy - Antwoord
Agree 100%, this fan should be retired from the market..Any products that last just a few months is food for the landfills and a waste of the customer scarce funds!
Jose M. Mendez - Antwoord
Same issue. I used it for 2 months only about twice a week for 15 minutes. I'll never buy a Lasko again, meaning no fan, no heater, no humidifier, absolutely nothing from that company,!!
Julie Isley - Antwoord
Mine worked less than a year...
thomse0196 - Antwoord
I end up trashing my Lasko fan almost new QC in these gadgets should be better..I wasn't counting on such short life "expectancy" I have ceiling fans installed and working after 35 years..Again, QC failed!!
Jose M. Mendez - Antwoord
Your box fans have a lot to be desired. It never stays up when we want to change the height. This is the third fan that we have that does the same thing. We don’t have many choices as what to get unless I have to pay for it. Your pricing is affordable and convenient for a senior citizen’s pocketbook, but really, you need too fix this problem.
bcoppola56 - Antwoord
Agreed I'm on disability and to me this was an expensive fan hoping to keep my tiny trailer cool for my 1 year old we live in Florida used it for a month and lights come on but no fan
Amanda Marasch -
I have had this fan for five years, leaving it on 24/7. I never turn it off. Every 6 months i do have unplug and take apart to clean the dust out running the blades under the sink to wash clean. You do have to maintain and keep clean if you want it to keep working. Its quiet and puts out plenty of air. If you smoke, nicotine will gum up the blades and motor making it harder to work. Clean it and it will keep working.
Leisa - Antwoord
My Lasko fan does not work. I have no remote with it, is that why?
PNR - Antwoord
Hello Lasko. Evidently this problem that I am currently experiencing. As in bought my stand up oscillating fan at the end of last summer. Brought it out in the first week of June, it worked for a week, next day came out to turn it on and nothing, absolutely nothing. I really hope that your company stands behind what they sell. Myself and the other's who have voiced their concerns deserve to be contacted with a plan of action to resolve this issue. Thank you.
Anthony Vaughn jr
Anthony Vaughn - Antwoord
How can I purchase a new motor for my LASko oscillating fan. I found this fan sitting by garage can infused with too much dust to describe but took it apart and dusted every bit of the fan and washed it but dusted off the motor part. Unfortunately, it will not turn on
Ang Gax - Antwoord
I have lasko fans. I like them, so I ordered a new one. 2 problems: no matter how we much I try to tighten it, the fan goes all the way down, and when I plugged it in, it was on one and started, but 2&3 must be finagled to use. Fans like to start on high, but this doesn't. Please HELP. Tired of dropping F bombs
Kimberly Denell Richardson - Antwoord
These fans have a non replaceable fuse in the plug. If this fuse goes, you have a brick instead of a very expensive fan. Ours only worked for a total of about 10 hours.
Don't waste your money on this piece of junk.
RippedOff - Antwoord