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it takes like 7.4 minutes to take it apart - not getting where are these aeons coming from ;)
pull your finger out of your whatever - it's aluminium and always been aluminium. Repaired a dozen of these, so yeah - aluminium.
Unless you have a cheap chinese knockoff not genuine magic mouse :D
the moment you opening macbook case and before any tinkering with connections, you MUST press little yellow button on logicboard, located on the right from battery connector - this will disable all power to the board. You can check by looking at the small led on left side of the battery connector - if there is very faint light, it means that power is still there. After pressing button light should go off. Removing screw is not necessary at all, and like I said - you MUST disable power before any touching to connections etc.
there is no gps in iPad mini! so this is not a gps antenna!
first - it's ipod touch 5 not 6. neralythe same except you don't have undo home button flex.
second - whole guide is misleading - why on earth you'd remove battery and charging port??? undo three screws on logicboard, pull out rear camera and lift the logicboard up - you can reach connectors to connect new screen back. sometimes antenna connector comes off but then you just plug that back on. I've done ipods 5 and 6 w/o removing battery and port and everything.
this guide just gives you basic idea where is what located, procedure itself is rubbish. suction cups nearly never work - not strong enough and in most cases screens are shattered, so forget about it. next - if you know where are the clips that holds screen in place, with flat knife undo them and screen is aff. probably good idea to heat up a wee bit bottom part near home button to make things easier. step 17 - why would, for freckles sake, you need to remove battery and dock port???? only risk to damage battery and rip some flex! leave battery alone! instead undo logic board (3 screws), pry out rear camera and you can lift logic board high enough to disconnect old screen and connect new screen no problem. repair is doable in 15 mins nae probz.
Highly recommended to remove clutch cover BEFORE heating up glass, because cover is made of very thin plastic and it'll be deformed!
Basically, I'm removing everything from screen - clutch cover, wifi card, antenna, all plastic bits, and only then proceed with heating and glass removal.
Keep in mind there is two different models - always check part number on actual flex - if you'll replace it with wrong one audio will work "other way around" - if you plug in headphones - speakers will start to work, if you unplug them speakers will not work.
Actually you can skip all this taking apart sequence - just remove older battery, clean the soldering holes and solder wires back from top. just put some thin plastic film under logic board where the soldering points are while soldering wires in. I replaced god knows how many batteries like this and they all are fine. that way you can replace battery in 5minutes!