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This usually means that the filter inside the ball is not clicked in properly, and this will jam the ball, stopping it rotating. Sometimes the clip on the filter can go bad, if so, replace the filter with new one.
When this happens, with the metal stick part PULLED OUT of the hose, check the BOTTOM part that clicks into the base of the vacuum. There is a plastic clip part that has 7 lines that look like 7 fingers on it. If you cannot see that, maybe it has broken off.? This is the retaining clip, and it has a little STEPPED part near the top, then it goes to a thin part. So when you push the complete bottom part of the hose back, ensure to push that little clip part down and forwards UNTIL IT CLICKS INTO PLACE. If it will not do that, then maybe that clip part has broken off? You will then have to replace the hose assembly if it has.
There’s 2 common causes that I have seen: 1) the GTM25 charging unit had a badly made batch, & the outer braid of the charging cable (power return/ground) touched the red 5V power conductor, that was stripped too far back to expose the copper wire, making it intermittently short. That does NOT blow the fuse, as the standard 5V regulator chip in the part that goes in the lighter socket, is designed to check for shorts, so stops the 5V supply output electronically (the green LED goes out & the Garmin then won’t charge). FIX: cut open rubber part of the “traffic FM receiver” part (little slim black box), furthest away from USB plug end & insulate the bare copper wires so they don’ touch, cover repair in more electrical tape. 2) the USB socket inside the Garmin has broken solder contacts. These CAN be soldered back, but you need a really good low-voltage miniature soldering iron to do this, AND it will need the motherboard removed (it is a major strip-down).