As 2020 comes to a close, Apple gave us one last present in the form of a new iPad Air—that looks like an iPad Pro. What’s going on inside? Join us for a video teardown as we check out the new Air!
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10 opmerkingen
Will there be a full teardown for this device?
CChin - Antwoord
Hi Chunglin! This is the only teardown iFixit will create for this particular iPad. We’ll also post repair guides at some point, as always.
Jeff Suovanen -
well teardowns are not wat they have been before ifixit is become to lazy to write full teardowns like they used to do before.
Peter Ben Jumanne - Antwoord
The Itouch Id sleep/wae button of my Ipad Air 4 has been damaged, I notice that there is a small crack and it “heats up” when the Ipad is on.
At the moment I am unable to find the Itouch ID button. Does anyone know where I can buy it?
Thank you
Alberto MARUGAN - Antwoord
Well.. Note that there have been NO repairs available for Touch ID since iPhone 5s, because the sensor and the processor matched one-to-one. I’m not a professional so I don’t exactly know this thing for Air 4, but I’m sure that you can’t replace Touch ID by yourself. I recommend that you go to the Genius Bar.
Sizun Cho -
Can we get a top-down pic of the internals to use as a wallpaper?
ChunkyFox - Antwoord
Anyone know which specific magnets are the Hall Effect Sensors? Thanks!
Mari Mardre - Antwoord
Hi, my ipad air 2020 display LCD panel is broken because of pressure, I want to get it repaired (replaced with new display) how much it will cost approax. ???
Vinay Kumar - Antwoord
Hi only Ali express you can get the iPad Air screen pretty cheap
if you don’t feel comfortable repairing it yourself take it to a repair shop
nicholaswiding -
Привет всем, мы команда FixYourTech из России. К нам поступил такой же аппарат и с такой же проблемой. Решили просто. Отсекли сканер скальпелем и собрали в обратном порядке. Всё работает кроме Touch-ID. Ждём дальнейших решений вопроса. А пока техника должна работать. И кстати это совершенно бесплатно, разобрал, отрезал, собрал. Круто. Apple расстроили с качеством кнопки...
Кассир ПСТ - Antwoord