if you had a secondary or tertiary computer screen that played audio , and you made it so that sound comes through that screen, then you either do not have that screen anymore or something shifted around in the updates. go to “App volume and device preferences” and make sure all of your chrome is set to screen you want, and not trying to play out of a device that is no longer hooked up to the computer slash shifted back to default with the last update.
my problem was that, if i opened chrome on a page with sound, it would play fine, but if i went to another page or reloaded that page, the sound would stop playing. All other sound worked fine in all other browsers and the computer itself. only when i went from one tab to another with sound, or loaded a page with sound that the browder didn’t open on, or went to another page, then the sound would not play anymore, and i didn’t understand the problem. i’ve tried everything from clearing cookies caches, updating drivers, looking through chrome settings and a bunch of other junk that DID NOT WORK. if you have this same problem. this has been going on since february… when i moved and broke the adaptor to my old tv as a secondary screen. didn’t know this was the problem until now.
App volume and device preferences, then look through the apps that actively use sound (system sounds should be there for reference). Chrome appears and disappears in this list when it’s open and when sound is playing, so if it’s not there, go to a page you know will have sound (system sounds should be there for reference) then app vol + device pref, and switch the Output selection to whatever screen or audio device for whichever screen/speakers you want the sound to come from, and that SHOULD fix it.
no guarantees. but this is what fixed mine. and i know i got it because the sound, that hadn’t been playing before, suddenly started playing fine the moment the audio for output was shifted to my default speakers.
again, i stress, this is what worked for me.
24 opmerkingen
i have tried so many things but can not resolve muted sound on some live streams , when i try to open from a bookmark ie and firefox works 100%
would a older version of chrome work in wn8.1?
door patrick mulreany
mine still isnt working at all. my chrome doesnt show up and none of the solutions worked
door Darren Tuttle
same with me
door markola64
@George Johnson I have the same problem with my JBL clip 3
door UndefinedDoggo
@George Johnson Same!!!
door UndefinedDoggo
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