White Screen Tried restore reset and jailbreak
So I had a broken iTouch 2G
Bruised LCD
Cracked Digitizer.
I was able to open it
and replace all the parts
Everything worked fine
I tested it before closing it
So I go ahead and close it and when I boot it up I got a White screen
I've seen and dealt with this problem before
So I tried to restore it. Nothing.
I tried to Jailbreak it. Nothing.
Downgraded. Nothing
Restore DFU.Nothing
Different LCD. Nothing.
I actually tested the same LCD.
And it works fine.
The digitizer works fine aswell.
I can slide to unlock and power off
but the screen is just white.
Is there something else I haven't tried?
Im draining the battery now and
reinstalling everything in the morning.
I've read that low batteries give white LCD errors.
How long should I wait? 24 hrs?
Any Advice or 2 cents may help.
I also checked the mobo for burnt
components thinking that I shorted something. No luck.
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