Will, the blinkers and the brakes are not connected. If you are having to use a lot of force to push your brakes, you have lost your power assist. here is how your nrakes are supposed to work When the brake pedal is depressed, a vacuum builds up in the booster which amplifies the pedal force, pressing on the piston in the master cylinder. The piston movement raises the hydraulic pressure in the cylinder. This hydraulic pressure is then applied to each respective brake cylinder and wheel cylinder, and acts to press the brake pads and shoes against the rotating discs and drums. The resulting friction converts the rotational energy to thermal energy, stopping the vehicle. So if your brake booster fails, you will have to apply more force. So, it is possible that your Booster push rod is out of adjustment or that you have a vacuum leak on your booster system. so, first check your brake booster
(a) Depress the brake pedal several times with the engine off, and check that there is no change in the pedal reserve distance.
(b) Depress the brake pedal and start engine. If the pedal goes down slightly, operation is normal.
(a) Install the gasket on the master cylinder.
(b) Set the SST on the gasket, and lower the pin until its tip slightly touches the piston.
SST 09737–00010
(c) Turn the SST upside down, and set it on the booster.
SST 09737–00010
(d) Measure the clearance between the booster push rod and pin head (SST).
0 mm (0 in.)
(e) Adjust the booster push rod length until the push rod lightly touches the pin head.
For your indicator, it sounds like a bad relay.
2 opmerkingen
That's gold. Thanks Will
door Osmium Gus
!996 Chevy 1500, if you have changed booster and the master cylinder and still have stiff brakes and brakes will not release... TRY THIS.
I had spongey brakes and had replaced booster. rotors and all brake pads. I tested brakes and heard a click and felt a slight click in pedal, this only happened once when pumping the brakes after replacing new parts. I bought new master brake cylinder and tested brakes again. brake pedal stiff and brakes do not release until i bled one brake caliper and or unplugged the vacuum hose on booster, then the brakes released. bled the ABS valve, still stiff brakes with no release. I heard some new boosters not come with the center pin, use old pin if missing. The remedy/FIX ... I compared the center pin with the old booster pin, ( on the booster that plunges into the master cylinder ) and the new booster pin was 1/16th an inch longer. I swapped out new pin with the old one. brakes work great as they should. Hope this helps someone else with this kind of issue, PEACE
door Jerry Gene