Success overall, amazoned a suposssedly 4000 mha battery, no tools upon arrival but with a sharp knife, a carpenters tool at times in the beginning, and a good screwdriver set from S.Korea it took an hour.
1. its super easy to cut thru the tiny speakers diaphragm with metal tools -- ask how I know - tweezers to put back the tiny screws suddenly decided to get attracted to strong magnets. Fixed the cut with some office sticky tape.
2. Longish screws described in step #2 appeared to be glued on mine, so upon reinstall they went nowhere, there was nothing to grasp for them.
3. My battery was swollen enough for me to unscrew the other lid and power board to push it out -- shine some light in there to understand where to push -- there is a ribbon cable on one side and a wall of the casing -- leaving a relatively small window for something long and tiny yet flat to come in and help get the swollen batt out.