My iPhone 7 Plus has an issue where if I lightly apply pressure (not pressing the button in) to the volume up button only, it will think I’m holding the button in and it will not stop even if I remove my finger from the button entirely. It could be in that mode of volume holding and I can set the phone down and walk away and it will still think I’m holding it in. This is the only button that does this and I hate it cause I have to use the CntrlCntr to Change the volume or press the volume up button and then press the volume down button to “override” the volume up and it stops and doesn’t interrupt again until pressure is applied or it’s pressed once more. Rarely it doesn’t do anything and I have to use firm pressure (clicking it in) on the button for it to activate endlessly. There is one small pressure interval that the button stops holding in. it don’t get physically stuck in the phone ever, it just thinks it’s being held in forever with light pressure to the button.