Not sure you should refer to yourself as "a little of an extreme apple fan" if you think the G4 Mac MDD came out in '99.
While it is true the first gen of the G4 Mac came out in 1999, this version, essentially the 3rd generation G4 Mac, known as the Mirrored Drive Doors model, most definitely did not. Not only was it not released on the 31st of August as you say, but more importantly, it wasn't even released in 1999.
It wouldn't be until a few years AFTER the close of the 20th Century that the G4 Mac MDD would make its way to the public. Almost 3 years after, to be more precise. It was on the 13th of August (not the 31st) and it was in 2002, so not 1999, that the G4 Mac MDD was released.
Just thought I'd point that out to you. After all...Knowing is half the battle! #themoreyouknow🌈