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The only difference I know regarding the A1398 is the display connector with a different number and position of the pins:
# A1398 Early 2013
# A1398 Late 2013/2014
# A1398 2015
the display connector and display circuit board is different on each of these, so if you want to swap the motherboard you should also swap the LCD assembly.
I wonder about the four cables / connectors used on both speakers' sockets: anyone knows about their functions?
I suspect there are two poles just for Ground while the other two are for Hi/Lo freq.
Is this just overengineering? Are two cables as seen in oem speakers good enough?
It happened on a 2015 Macbook Pro it only downloaded the "stub" Mojave installer: iirc the Mojave is still supported on that machine and it looks like Apple is now adopting an MS tactic to distribute their OS by downloading a small executable that will eventually connect to their servers and update the OS.
You will not be able to upgrade if you are not connected to the internet.
At this moment I cannot even connect to the App Store from a Mountain Lion install... >B{