first check to see if your drier is tumbling your clothes. my drier was not drying the clothes and found out they were not tumbling the belt had broke.. replaced it and now working right
do you know anybody that has another phone like yours? if so put them side by side and use there phone to show you what and where to go. that’s how I fixed mine
call H.P. for help they fixed mine for free. 1-800-474-6836 you'll get this recording saying to go to the web site but just wait it will send you to somebody after awhile. then tell them whats going on and they will help you fix it
call H.P. for help they fixed mine for free. 1-800-474-6836 you'll get this recording saying to go to the web site but just wait it will send you to somebody after awhile. then tell them whats going on and they will help you fix it
you can also call H.P. for help they fixed mine for free. 1-800-474-6836 you'll get this recording saying to go to the web site but just wait it will send you to somebody after awhile. then tell them whats going on and they will help you fix it
when was the last time you cleaned it with Vinegar? but don't use straight Vinegar i would say only about less that half and half 1 cup vin. to 3 cups water
you could have a clog in the tip needle where the coffee goes check that first.. try unfolding a paperclip and stick it in to the needle then try it again. you may need to dig a little if there is a lot in there