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  1. iPhone 6s拆解, iPhone 6s拆解: stap 1, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • 这款6s可能看起来和去年的iPhone 6相同,但这个手机也有许多新的特点:

    • 苹果A9处理器与嵌入式M9运动协同处理器

    • 16、64或128 GB的存储空间

    • 4.7英寸1334× 750像素(326 ppi)的高清3D触摸屏

    • 1200万像素iSight摄像头,支持4K视频录制与1.22μ像素和500万像素的FaceTime 高清前置摄像头

    • 7000系列铝合金外壳和Ion-X屏幕玻璃

    • 多重输入输出 (MIMO) 技术的802.11a/b/g/n/ac无线 + 蓝牙4.2 + NFC + 23频段的LTE网络

    • 线性马达

  2. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 2, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 2, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 2, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 终于,我们可以看看这个具有革命性创新意义的 iPhone。

    • 起初一看,6s是其兄长一模一样,但是眼睛看不到的还有很多奥妙。下面就是一些隐藏在机身内的奥妙:

    • 改进的Touch ID主屏幕按钮

    • 500万像素 FaceTime 高清前置摄像头

    • Retina 3D Touch高清屏

    • 把iPhone 6和6s放一起——除了新的玫瑰金外壳以外,两者还有几个显著的差异。

    • 经仔细检查,iPhone 6s比iPhone 6大一个头发丝的长度(138.3 x 67.1 x 7.1 毫米和138.1 x 67 x 6.9 毫米),6s上印了一个新的型号:A1688。

    • 6s也比其兄长iPhone 6重一些,143克 (iPhone 6s)和129克 (iPhone 6)。

  3. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 3, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 3, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 3, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 滑动你的鼠标获取超能力——我们有X射线的超能力,多亏了我们在Creative Electron工作的勇敢同事。

    • 我们共同一路跋涉到澳大利亚,为你带来最新的iPhone内部的第一印象。

    • 感谢MacfixitCircuitwise的好客和他们17个小时的时区优势,我们的拆解才能完整地呈现在你们面前!

    • 这只是一个开始!让真正的拆解拉开帷幕吧。

  4. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 4, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 4, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 4, afbeelding 3 van 3
    Gereedschap gebruikt in deze stap:
    • 众所周知:苹果在意所有的细节。连底部五角螺丝的颜色和外壳的颜色都匹配。苹果牛逼!

    • 相比与上次我们拆解iPhone 6,这次的iPhone 屏幕集成似乎已经变得更加牢固了。现在它的特点是手机周边有四个胶带。

    • 当然,这种强力胶依旧不是我们的iSclack的对手。

    • 谈论到小细节,似乎连胶带的颜色都和外壳颜色都相匹配:白色的胶带配白色外壳,黑色的胶带配黑色外壳。

    • iPhone显示屏组件并没有从手机里掉出的危险,所以为什么需要用到粘合剂呢?或者这有可能是一个防水垫圈吗?

    What's the white strip between display assembly and the housing on the 3rd pic of Step 4?

    Dymbo - Antwoord

    That's part of the display assembly adhesive strip.

    Geoff Wacker -

    Looks like the adhesive strip has a lot to do with the 6S being water resistant. I assume once open the device will lose that capability.

    Eneko Alonso - Antwoord

    You're calling it an adhesive while other sites are calling it a gasket. Have you looked at the adhesive to see if it looks like it was pre-formed and placed in the case or if it looks like it was applied as a thin beed of caulking? Any desire to get a chemical analysis of it?

    plink53 - Antwoord

    No, offcourse not, it was not for waterproof..... they did it because they won't acknowledge the design flaw for the display. Almost every iPhone 6 have problems with 'clicking sound' from the display when pressing in the corners. They have replaced so much iPhones for this problem, so they added the adhesive on the 6S to avoid this problem....

    Laurens van Rijn - Antwoord

    yes, that's it. this is an improvement of 6s for the click sound between iphone6 LCD frame and back housing.

    piggyjudy - Antwoord

  5. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 5, afbeelding 1 van 2 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 5, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • 当这些显示屏组件出现时,我们已经可以看出6s和其前任之间的内在差异。

    • 全新的线性马达占用了电池下面大量的空间,这或许可以解释为何电池尺寸略有减少。

    • 苹果公司也将显示屏组件连接装配精简成三条电线,而不是iPhone 6上看到的四条电线。

  6. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 6, afbeelding 1 van 2 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 6, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • 轻轻一拧,电池连接器就打开了。

    • 尽管有科里奥利力,但是对螺丝刀来说,仍然还是往右拧紧、往左拧松——下面也是这样的。所以对于那些想知道人----是的,我们仍然往左拧。

    • 进去之后,我们发现,像我们所希望的那样,用的是菲利普斯螺丝。我们很高兴苹果仅仅在后盖底部使用了五角螺丝

    Can you tell me the height of the four screws that cover the metal plate near the rear camera?

    ciaomarco - Antwoord

  7. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 7, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 7, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 7, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 在细心的撬开后,显示屏组件就完整地呈现在我们面前。

    • 显示屏组件的重量高达60克——比iPhone 6增加了15克。事实上,这和去年的6 Plus的显示屏组件一样重!苹果公司融入显示屏背光技术的额外电容式传感器,使得这个手机强大起来。

    • 除了电线减少一根,以及稍微不同的液晶屏的设计,新的显示屏组件看起来和旧的非常相似。

  8. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 8, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 8, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 8, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 为了取出屏板,我们首先要去除支架,扬声器,和FaceTime前置摄像头。

    • FaceTime前置摄像头从120万像素一直到500万像素,但其整体构造惊人地相似。

    • 当我们越接近发掘新的3D触摸显示屏组件的秘密时,我们越需要花一点时间冷静下来。

  9. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 9, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 9, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 9, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 当液晶屏板拆除时,我们瞥到第一眼是,我们所认为的3D Touch集成电路:

    • 343S00014(命名方案和苹果其他集成电路名字非常相似,但仍然缺乏制造方的评判者)

    • 顺便,我们希望(再次!)对我们澳大利亚MacFixit团队的好朋友们,让我们使用他们在墨尔本的办公室进行拆解而发出感谢。他们有Mac和iPhone升级/配件存货,而且也有我们的iFixit工具包。谢谢MacFixit澳大利亚团队!

    Word is out that the 3D touch IC is from Cirrus who also do the audio & speaker amp on this phone.

    crusr - Antwoord

    Inside source, 3D touch chip is 100% manufactured by LG Electronics in China factory.

    Apple initially ordered from 3 different vendors, but only LG Electronics was able to meet Apple's requirements.

    Confirmed by friend who works at LG and he was at that factory for 1 month until Sept 25 for production rate and quality checks.

    wat2lose -

    Additional to the 3D-Touch-IC there must be some Force-Touch sensor structures (strain gauges like the Trackpads' ones or capacitive etc.) to get the applied finger forces detected. Is there any wiring or some structure able to see? I guess it is between glass surface and this metal shield...

    Scit Pah - Antwoord

  10. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 10, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 10, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 10, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 拆除屏板可以访问home按钮。

    • 取下home按钮是小菜一碟。如果home按钮出现问题,使用焊料或粘合剂,它就容易被修复。

    • 到目前为止,没有任何一个真正的芯片体现了 “比以往任何时候更快更好的” 触摸识别技术,但是,嘿,如果苹果这样说,那它就必须是真的。

    How can i determine if it is the original home Botton is there any particular sign?? Ty cause it make me trouble when i restore

    bjtech - Antwoord

  11. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 11, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 11, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 11, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 回到玫瑰金色的螺丝。。。是时候拿出iPhone的新的线性马达了。

    • 一次X射线透视揭示了苹果公司最新的、机械奇迹的线性振动机制,据说能在一次振荡后达到峰值输出。

    • 那不是PS的对比图片——致密材料像磁铁一样吸收更多的X射线,所以触觉反馈机制看起来比其他材料(如铝框)暗。

    • 线性马达一旦被去除,里面就没有什么了——仅仅有一些弹簧触点,一些隐藏的标记,和苹果的大标志。

    Does the taptic engine replace the traditional vibration motor? or is it a supplement?

    John - Antwoord

    From what I've heard, the taptic engine replaces the previous motor.

    nuvs -

    Any supercapacitors in there? Specifically, anything by CAP-XX?

    CARL SELBY - Antwoord

    Taptic Engine supplier?

    Jon Bkk - Antwoord

    What the use of this engine ?.huh in this unit idont think so but in ip7 just a pusing feed back...

    bjtech - Antwoord

    • 如果你在佩戴X射线眼镜时触摸到你的手机,这就是你所看到的。线性马达像你晃动一张拍立得照片一样。

  12. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 13, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 13, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 13, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 每次看到这些漂亮的电池胶的拉带时,我们都松了一口气。希望他们永远不会灭绝

    • 一个快速的拉力,电池就出来了,供你检查!

    more like heat it up and a slow careful pull adjacent to the case

    cat man - Antwoord

    It looks like these tabs are supposed to work like those Command things for hanging stuff on the wall - pull it till it stretches and then it comes right off.

    You could be super lucky like me, the tabs break off, then try to pry it out with my pocketknife, then a real quick trip out the back door and drop it on the ground because the battery caught fire!

    Luckily, once I got the mess cleaned up (the heat was sufficient to dislodge the adhesive by turning it into liquid sticky goo) and the replacement battery installed, it amazingly still worked.

    Pepper - Antwoord

  13. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 14, afbeelding 1 van 2 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 14, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • 原来谣言是真的——电池容量下降了一点,可能是为了给新特性让空间,比如线性马达和略厚的显示屏幕。

    • 锂离子电池为3.8 伏,6.55瓦时,1715毫安。这是一个很小、但可以察觉的降低,比去年的iPhone 6 1810毫安的电池降低了。

    • 这个iPhone电池还具有和去年相同的产地问题,去年它似乎被认为来自于苹果南亚(泰国)有限公司和苹果日本,并在中国常熟制造。

    • 然而,苹果表示,电池寿命能维持在长达14小时3G通话时间和10天续航时间——和iPhone 6一样。这很可能是由于效率更高的芯片,我们渴望能看一眼。。。

    Why is step 13 in German?

    Steve Sparks - Antwoord

    We're rolling out a translation interface for our foreign viewers, but there are still a few bugs we're working out. It should be back to English now. Thanks for the heads up!

    Evan Noronha -

    Is the physical thickness the same, or are the battery actually thinner then the iPhone 6 battery?

    Diego Husum - Antwoord

    What are the dimensions and weight of the battery?

    Steve - Antwoord

    You can only nkow if It is original if you start restoring with out error9

    bjtech - Antwoord

  14. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 15, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 15, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 15, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 下一个拆出的是iPhone 1200万像素的摄像头!

    • 今年的摄像头与iPhone 6相比有一个巨大的飞跃,这是自iPhone 4s第一次提高分辨率。

    • 多50%的聚焦像素,意味着更快、更精确的自动对焦,而照片的质量不会下降。

    • 新的iSight摄像头也把iPhone带到了4K视频录制的舞台上,这个领域以前被安卓手机占领。

    • 由于竞争的光电二极管串扰,像素密度增加经常是在降低单个像素质量的基础上,但这个新的iSight摄像头,引入了一些很酷的技术,减轻了这个问题。

    • 光电二极管之间电绝缘沟槽会腐蚀传感器,有一过程称为深槽隔离,可以弥补密集像素之间的泄漏。

    What is the sensor on the rear facing camera? Is it a Sony sensor again? Thanks!

    Angelo Godbey - Antwoord

    The Thailand, Japan and US writing on the battery means that it meets certain safety rules for those countries. The funny-looking backwards-R hooked onto a U (or is it a backwards-L?) is an Underwriters Laboratories Recognized Component Mark, meaning the battery won't burn your house down.

    johnnyzweig - Antwoord

    Does anyone know anything about the led torch light? Size (Lumens)? Link to a replacement?

    natenrb9 - Antwoord

    This section needs a close-up of the NFC antrenna which is half removed when you remove the bracket that holds the camera. This is an important aspect becauyse when you re-assemble it, if you don’t know abouty it, you end uyp losiong Apple Pay capability.

    jfmezei - Antwoord

  15. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 16, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 16, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 16, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 现在,进入一个暮光之城的旅行。。。

    • 我们发现一个奇怪的2.5毫米六角头、更标准的托脚螺丝,给你的智能手机工具库添加一把吧 。。。

    • 接着出来的是在之前手机型号中见过的Lovecraftian天线单元

    What is the size of the hex head screw tool needed to take eon the logic board?

    tianainandout - Antwoord

    yeah no one mentioned that is the new screw that is being used now

    edgewireless1 -

    where are the liquid damage indicators?

    Ricky Chen - Antwoord

    There beside it my friend the white one ,

    bjtech -

    The only iphone unit has this screw only 6s why??

    bjtech - Antwoord

    how do i unscrew it?

    Lucas Masiero - Antwoord

  16. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 17, afbeelding 1 van 2 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 17, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • 现在,是我们期待已久的时刻。。。是时候在逻辑板的前面展示一些芯片了:

    • 苹果A9 apl0898 SoC +三星2 GB LPDDR4内存(如标记K3RG1G10BM-BGCH)

    • 高通MDM9635M LTE Cat. 6调制解调器(与iPhone 6中的MDM9625M比较)

    • InvenSense MP67B六轴陀螺仪和加速度计的组合(在iPhone 6中发现)

    • 博世传感器3P7 LA 三轴加速度计(可能是BMA280

    • TriQuint TQF6405功率放大器模块

    • Skyworks SKY77812功率放大器模块

    • Avago AFEM-8030功率放大器模块

    How much is the ram? 1gb or 2gb?

    mrchim69 - Antwoord

    There are 2 GB of Samsung LPDDR4 RAM.

    Dante Mazzanti -

    How do you know through the code?

    mrchim69 - Antwoord

    We're fairly certain that the "G1G1" in "K3RG1G10BM-BGCH" indicates a 4 Gb x 4 die, which would be 16 Gb or 2 GB. It's also very similar to the Galaxy S6's "K3RG3G30MM-DGCH", where the "G3G3" is a 6 Gb x 4 die, or 24 Gb (3 GB).

    Geoff Wacker -

    I agree with Geoff. For example, K3RG2G20BM-MGCH is listed as 4 GB, with the key markings being G2G2. G2 standing for 2 GB, for a total of 4 GB.

    Walter Galan -

    Any devices in 01005 size with bottom terminations only on the board?

    Hans - Antwoord

    How did you expose the processor? I thought the cowling was glued on with some kind of thermal paste stuff.

    Floyd Turbo - Antwoord

  17. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 18, afbeelding 1 van 2 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 18, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • 在逻辑电路板前的另外2个芯片:

    • 57A6CVI

    • 高通QFE1100包络跟踪芯片

    • 基于上个月被泄露的所谓示意图,谣言称A9有比A8小15%的芯片尺寸。我们无法确认芯片尺寸,但A9包装本身就较大——约14.5×15毫米,而A8为13.5 x 14.5毫米。这可能代表着是一个更小的芯片加上嵌入式M9和其他功能。

    Add 4G Module

    Monuzzz - Antwoord

  18. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 19, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • 但是,等等,还有更多!我们将使你的订单加倍而且绝对免费!

    • 东芝THGBX5G7D2KLFXG 16 GB 19纳米NAND闪存

    • Universal Scientific Industrial 339S00043 Wi-Fi模块

    • NXP 66V10 NFC控制器(在iPhone 6中发现65V10)

    • 苹果/Dialog 338S00120电源管理芯片

    • 苹果/ Cirrus Logic 338S00105音频芯片

    • 高通PMD9635电源管理芯片

    • Skyworks SKY 77357功率放大器模块(可能是SKY77354迭代)

    If Bluetooth is in Wifi module, it might be still Broadcom's solution:

    Mr None - Antwoord

    Dose the iSight Camera Lens still use sapphire ?

    ShengYu Chiang - Antwoord

    What is the little black IC in the north-west corner of the yellow marked NXP 66V10 NFC Controller in step 19?

    PrettyFlyWiFi - Antwoord

    What about the small black Chip just on the top left of the NFC Controller by NXP? Is this not the Booster Technology seen in the iPhone 6? Thank you

    Musi8to8 - Antwoord

    Have you figured out if it's the booster or not? Thanks

    Charles -

    Any ideas what the module labeled "Lf 098" below the WLAN/BT module is?

    toddderego - Antwoord

    Looking at the iPhone 6S Plus teardown this is a WLAN front end module.

    toddderego -

    Is it known the type of the storage? Is it eMMC or UFS?

    franngr - Antwoord

    Sorry, I meant: Do anybody knows about what kind of storage is it using?

    franngr -

    Compare to the model number of Toshiba's flash product, it's much like eMMC.

    Mr None -

  19. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 20, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • 在逻辑电路板背面的更多芯片:

    • 村田240前端模块

    • 射频微设备RF5150天线开关

    • NXP 1610A3(在iPhone 5s和5c中发现的可能是迭代的1610A1

    • 苹果/ Cirrus Logic 338S1285音频芯片(在iPhone 5S中发现的可能是迭代338S1202音频编解码器)

    • 德克萨斯仪器65730AOP电源管理芯片

    • 高通 WTR3925射频收发器

    • 可能是博世传感技术公司的气压传感器(BMP280

    You forgot to highlight the Skyworks SKY13701 WLAN Front-End Module.

    David - Antwoord

    Whear touch ic

    Anwar - Antwoord

    iPhone 6s touch not working so ic whis palace ic touch

    Anwar - Antwoord

  20. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 21, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • 拆解更新!原来这个逻辑板有一个秘密武器:小密封环绕每一个电缆连接器。(他们看起来像黑色泡沫环绕了每一个金色连接器)它意味着什么?

    • 答:我们认为这些都是防水硅胶密封件。他们似乎与一个苹果公司三月提交的防水板连接器专利相匹配。

    • 当谈到液体损坏时,这些电线接头是手机中最脆弱的部分之一。

    • 这似乎可以解释最近的测试表明 6s 和6s Plus是更耐液体损坏。

    Es posible arreglarlos en caso de que alguno deje de funcionar?

    alvaritolps_99 - Antwoord

  21. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 22, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 22, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 22, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 是时候拆出最后的东西了。第一个:低音扬声器。

    • 仔细看一下扬声器。。。其实没啥。

    • 6s扬声器似乎和iPhone 6的扬声器很接近。我们怀疑在形状上的差异可以归因于增加的线性马达。

  22. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 23, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 23, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 23, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 现在,著名的“一切电线”(又名闪电电线组件),有不只一个、而是两个麦克风!

    • 在两只麦克风之外,闪电电线为以下令人印象深刻的组成部分组件提供空间:

    • 闪电端口,以满足您的充电/数据传输需求。

    • 耳机插孔满足音频的需求。

    • 蜂窝天线满足你所有的蜂窝需要。

    • 同时闪电电线组件是工程高效率的一个很好例子,它并不是一个修理的好兆头。一个单一的破碎元件意味着整个电线需要更换。

  23. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 24, afbeelding 1 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 24, afbeelding 2 van 3 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 24, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • 这拆解流程进入尾声:最后一步是睡眠/唤醒键!

    • 昔日的大垫圈没有了,但仍然需要防水。

    • 也就是说,这个装置不带防水等级,我们不推荐把6s弄湿。水和智能手机都不是好朋友。

    How does the "waterproofing" compare to the iPhone 6 ? It seems like this year, Apple paid less attention to sort of seal the case off.

    alexander rolle - Antwoord

  24. iPhone 6s拆解: stap 25, afbeelding 1 van 2 iPhone 6s拆解: stap 25, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • iPhone 6s保持了不错的工作,可修复性10分量表获得7分

    • 显示屏组件继续是第一个组件,简化屏幕维修。

    • 电池可以直接接触到。拆除需要专有的五角螺丝刀和除胶技术知识,但是并不难。

    • 触摸识别电线仍然被藏起来了,但被配对到逻辑板,使得维修更为复杂。

    • iPhone 6s表面上仍然采用专有的五角螺丝,需要专业的螺丝刀拆下。

    Why do pentalobe screws ruin the repairability score, yet you don't mention that you need a special suction cup clamp to pull the screen off? The pentalobe screws shouldn't count against repairability. Sheesh.

    ophello - Antwoord

    I totally agree with this, plus I think that calling them "proprietary" is a bit of a stretch. You can pick up a pentalobe driver fairly cheaply on Amazon, if not your local hardware store.

    Chris -

    Or even here at iFixit...

    imattb -

    I agree, they've been using them for a long time and the tools are now readily available. Chances are if you need to get a Philips screwdriver small enough for the job, you can get a Pentalobe screwdriver from the same place.

    You also don't need the iSclack, you can just use a regular suction cup; the iSclack was created to help you open the 5s without breaking the tripwire known as the TouchID cable.

    booticon -

    Enough with iFixit's chronic complaint about pentalope screws. You guys made your point over two years ago (at least). It's what Apple uses period. So just get over it.

    These screwdrivers are readily available and anyone who fixes things ought to be use to having to getting specialty tools to do the job. It is no big deal. We get it. You guys don't like them.

    Jim Scimonetti -

    The barrier to repair is people going into their phone using the wrong or worn-out tools. Pentalobe isn't a barrier - it's just a signpost saying "you're doing it wrong, get the proper toolkit".

    Going to your local hardware store to buy a set of screw drivers is NOT going to lead to a successful repair, even if pentalobe were not part of the equation.

    No one should attempt repair of a smartphone without the right precision tools.

    rulegit2000 - Antwoord

    Seems to me that the adhesive strips should be marking the score down, not the pentalobe screws. How much more time is that going to add to repairs now that we will have to apply fresh adhesive strips.

    Beau - Antwoord

    +1. Having to source and replace the display adhesive strips complicates repair, and should have deducted a point or two from the score.

    isonno -

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53 opmerkingen

Could you identify audio amplifiers and microphones..

sgm - Antwoord

no more broadcom wifi-bt combo in 6s?

leezhu - Antwoord

It has brcm wifi in it. Inside the "USI wifi module"

Dr T -

No mention of touch screen controller?

ritu gupta - Antwoord

is that not it in step 9?

defectivebeauty -

That's 3D touch controller. Where is the capacitive touch controller?

ritu gupta -

I think touch controller is placed on the rear flex of the screen.

The touch screen socket from the screen has less pins (it's smaller) than iPhone 6, so I believe the incoming signal is already digital and not analog.

If this is true, this is a flashback into the first gen. iPhone era...

crispain -

It's 3D Touch IC. Which is placed back of the screen

aqi -

In step 21 there are 2 antenna cables but by step 22 only one is shown.

where is the longer of the two in the pictures and is it removable from the everything cable?

defectivebeauty - Antwoord

In step 13, goes along the outer edge of the MLB, should be the Wi-Fi diversity antenna.

Tom Chai -

Hi, in step 19 and 20 I noticed there are two Cirrus Logic Audio IC, does this mean our music will sound a lot better than the iPhone 6?

Kevin Scott Caja - Antwoord

what's the size of the camera sensor? still 1/3 ?

Eric Tan - Antwoord

What about AMS NFC Booster?

Charles - Antwoord

Bloomberg and the author of the article Bloomberg cites do not know this for sure. The Information is around 2 Corners and uncertain.

Musi8to8 -

Any supercapacitors in there? Specifically, anything by CAP-XX?

CARL SELBY - Antwoord

I take it, If you ban get Bluetooth in the Wifi module, this may be a great resolution:

samsonman1 - Antwoord

What is the long coax cable seen in the first step 21 picture?


fgroppi - Antwoord

Who made the lens and lens unit? Is it largan precision as in the iPhone ? Does the PCB indicate the manufacturer?

ramparameswaran - Antwoord

内存2G了,不错哟!I like it!

kirsty - Antwoord

guess the adhesive is not for waterproofing, but for better fit of dispaly unit. lots of customers have "problems" with klicking sound of the display unit, or badly seated displayunits resulting in small gaps between display and enclosure.

Lego - Antwoord

It is mentioned that the i-phone is water resistant. Is any conformal coating used for the protection of PCBs?

Hans - Antwoord

What about Lightning port & Headphone jack, do they have any water resistance? Look at video:

lysenkomykhayl - Antwoord

Does anyone know how to identify the phone if it doesn't powers up and you don't have the sim tray ? It seems there is no IMEI / Serial number on this model.

kevr93 - Antwoord

You can find the IMEI underneath the sim tray, but since you don't have it there's no other way to find it unless you can power up the iphone. As for the serial number it can be found on the sim tray shield/port, basically it's the bright little metal shield between the two EMI shields(one on top, one below it both covered in black). it's right next to one of those QR codes and has the alphanumeric code 17A01 on my iPhone 6s, hope that helps.

Jose Martinez -

The guys at Anandtech said that the 6s has NVMe + TLC flash, replacing the old school eMMC controller and flash. I'm wondering which one is the NVMe controller?

Lucian Pacurar - Antwoord

Don't worry, it ain't a discrete NVMe controller or Serdes or any physical boundary of "SSD," but logic that gets integrated into A9 and presented like an NVMe to the OS.

r121 -

Does it have the same rear housing with the iphone 6?

Felipe Lacalle - Antwoord

Why it need so much PMU?

Zyy - Antwoord

Does anyone know the airgap above and below the Logic board (including all the components on the board)) for iphone 6s?

arakereguruprasad - Antwoord

Does anyone know an estimate of the air gap above and below the logic board in an iphone 6s?

arakereguruprasad - Antwoord

Will you sell the logic board for this model?

diegoinclan92 - Antwoord

Can you tell me the height of the four screws that cover the metal plate near the rear camera?

ciaomarco - Antwoord

iPhone6 GPS module actual location inside case. I'm an electrician and want to use GPS longitude/latitude coordinates to drill holes to accurately run wire thru walls.

Bob Wohrmann - Antwoord

i need my hole screen fix bc it coming off all the way off and how much is it to get fix

mendezaleigha - Antwoord

I replaced my back cam on my the camera is black and I get no Data.....anyone know where I might have gone wrong....and what parts should I order as a safe bet ....thanks guys

Garrett - Antwoord

Hi, I have an iPad air 2 device. I see it as an iTunes iPhone (phone detect) device and I can not install ipsw software. what cause trouble?

emre zanbak - Antwoord

Excelent....!! Very Good...!!

Maximo Castro - Antwoord

Hi can these things can repair if broken not iPhone the contractor​ above the cable

Saroj Yadav - Antwoord

where is the light ic ? i need to know it plz


s12.s13 - Antwoord

My phone got water damaged. Everything working good excepted for charger. It does show charging but is not charging. I got new battery and motherboard clean with 91% isopropyl alcoho but nothing make it work again. I thinking about the IC but dont know where it at. Could ifixt help me to locate it ?


Phuc Le - Antwoord

tristar ic procura por esse nome

davidcardosoertle -

My iPhone 6S was perfectly healthy and ok until iOSX 11, then the screen went blank and I could do nothing…I took it into Apple and they were able to get it back up, 2 days later I synchronised with my iWatch and it became a brick again. I took it back to Apple, but this time they couldn’t get it working, yet whenever I connect it to iTunes I get the option to Restore or Update. I’ve been through this loop many times now and in each case it fails after 5 to 10 minutes with 4005. I’ve tried various things but nothing will bring it back, since my problem they’re have been 3 updates of iOSX 11, now on 11.3, but I cannot install any of these as my phone is a brick.

Is they’re anything I can do? It was perfect before Apples bug OS release and the face that they’re have been 3 updates released in 3 weeks echo’s this.

Simon Platten - Antwoord

Hi, where can I find the antennas for LTE /3G?


Jan - Antwoord

Is the Gyro Sensor repairable? Where is it located?

I can’t count my steps with the Health app.


John L - Antwoord

Could you help me please - I have a part numbered 160-5Z that i’m not sure where it goes?! I changed the battery and the camera and this part is now displaced and i’m clueless !

Hayley graham - Antwoord

Is it possible to completely swap the entire guts of the iPhone 6s with another one that isn’t beat up and dented?

I know that 98% of the parts can be transferred but can’t the entire insides be transferred?

MiaJustSayin - Antwoord

Like how much are each piece

Ascencion Padilla - Antwoord

Was capable of removing the front screen with a suction cup thing

ZombieBrine1309 - Antwoord

Thank You for sharing the good write-up. I certainly love this I Phone 6. Thanks!

vaibhav pundir - Antwoord

Is there another iphone rear lcd flash that will fit an iPhone 6???

Joesi Simpson - Antwoord

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