Controller shows no signs of life.

Controller was working fine. Charged it and used it. Turned it off. And went to bed. Next morning, tried using it, No power. Does not charge. Or lights up. Attempted battery swap but still nothing. Do not want to exchange unless I have to due to it being the GOW Ragnarok controller. Any advice would be appreciated.

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@moisespicazzo let's see if the console guru @dan0 has any ideas about this.


Hi Moises!

This definitely sounds like a motherboard issue here.

First of all, do you know if the firmware was up to date?

When you charge it, does the orange light comes up?

Is it a brand new controller or how long do you have it in use?

Thanks in advance!


Only times I've come across no power+no charge the culprit was a blown charge ic.

On the upside the only thing about it that's "special edition" is the shell. If it's still under warranty have sony repair it and clarify that you want it repaired NOT replaced with some random junk. OR....if that's not an option just get another controller of the same model and swap the guts.

An issue like this requires board level inspection with a multimeter to discover where voltages are present, or missing, in order to zero in on the faulting component.


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