iPhone 5s U2 IC problem?
I think my phone has a broken U2 IC, When I plug the phone into the power outlet it shows that needs a charger.
When I connect it to my pc nothing happens, not even a connection sound.
Is this normal for a broken U2 IC?
Thanks for the help.
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4 opmerkingen
pls help me. i need to restore my i phone 5s. the problem is, it will not open up, only apple logo will show. even i force restart the same happen. only apple logo will show until the phone drain its battery. what is the cause of it and how to resolve this. tanx
door rhysa abines
Good day
My iPhone was battery low,so I connected to a power bank,then Immediately it went off and couldn’t power again
What’s the problem and how can it be fixed pls
door Engrchimdi
iPhone 5s
- I insert the charger lead when the phone is off, the phone starts up with apple logo and starts charing
- When I insert the charger lead after a restart or reset the phone responds instantly - as it should
- But if I take the lead out and insert back in, the phone does not respond: no beep and no electric charging icon next to battery icon. But if I leave the charger in, it the phone responds after about couple of minutes, and starts charging
- If I take the lead out from the phone wil battery fully charged the battery drains in about an hour or so even when the phone is not being used.
Kindly help!
door Shahid Mehmood
hlo sir a problim in my i phone 5s problim is i am conting chargi in my phone power on butt steel red light bling and power off can u solved.