Jacob Macheca since otehr game cards are being read properly you know that this is not a problem with the device but an issue with the game card. Other than cleaning the contacts etc. not much you can do the repair those. Of course you can try things like shown [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xkxVO-uFJs|on here]
Jacob Macheca since other game cards are being read properly you know that this is not a problem with the device but an issue with the game card. Other than checking/cleaning the contacts etc. not much you can do the repair those. Of course you can try things like shown [link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xkxVO-uFJs|on here]
Jacob Macheca since otehr game cards are being read properly you know that this is not a problem with the device but an issue with the game card. Other than cleaning the contacts etc. not much you can do the repair those. Of course you can try things like shown [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xkxVO-uFJs|on here]