Have you tried to format your phone yet? Connect the phone to your computer, then format. Or you could try to remove your MMC and type *#7370# n will ask u the security code.You need to type in your code, if you have never changed it, it should be 12345. Always make sure that you do have a full battery so that your format does not get disrupted. It also seems that *#7780# might work too. Just remember that any of these step willdelete the information that you might have on the phone. The other thing you could try is to re-flash your phone. There is a video on [http://www.youtube.com|youtube.com] that will help you with that. You can also try to re-flash your phone, and the firmware is available [http://gsmsolutionforum.blogspot.com/2011/06/nokia-5130-xpressmusic-update-firmwires.html|right here.] Good Luck and let us know how it is going.