post some images of your boards. Use this guide [guide|21499] for that. It will allow us to see what you see. Mark where you already checked the voltages. I am not a friend of just going to repalce components unless I know those ned to be replaced. Of course, this is not to say that it will not work, just not my preferred method. I would suggest you measure your power board outputs according to what the outputs are supposed to be. That will give you an indication that yuor power board either works or does not. Remember that certain voltages on your power board will change with input from the main board. Essentially it is the main board that controls teh power board. Again that is not to say that a new power board will not fix this but then again, who knows. The same for your main board and your T-con board.
=== Update (09/10/2018) ===
Here is the flowchart for your model.
You do have the 3.5V on standby. Check fuse F2 for continuity and you do see the voltages to the right of the transformer. you couild measure to see if those are existant on the bottom of the board. The part where the clicking comes from, appears to contain at least one diode as well as a power transistor. You could check on those parts. For now, if everything checks out and your board does not have the 13.2Voltage that would mean that this is a bad power board. (beyond bad capacitors)
post some images of your boards. Use this guide [guide|21499] for that. It will allow us to see what you see. Mark where you already checked the voltages. I am not a friend of just going to repalce components unless I know those ned to be replaced. Of course, this is not to say that it will not work, just not my preferred method. I would suggest you measure your power board outputs according to what the outputs are supposed to be. That will give you an indication that yuor power board either works or does not. Remember that certain voltages on your power board will change with input from the main board. Essentially it is the main board that controls teh power board. Again that is not to say that a new power board will not fix this but then again, who knows. The same for your main board and your T-con board.