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Ink system failures is a very serious problem on HP printer systems. If you have this problem you should be ready to replace your printer. However there are still troubleshooting steps that you can do to try to resolve this problem. try this Ink System Failure Trouble shooting guide. More Info:
Meer informatieIn the properties section where U find the maintenance program is there a choice that says clean bottom roller - try that - also try using a paper towel to soak up any ink that might be on the rollers and if that is the problem just run a bunch of junk pages and the lines should eventually fade away
Meer informatieI met the same problem,my printhead is clogged,so you should check out your printhead,or maybe there is something wrong with other parts.You can get some kits to clean it. Such as cleaning swab.
Meer informatieyou can clean the printhead witt the cleaning kit such as cleaning swab
Meer informatie"This is general problem in hp plotters.. understand the concept: If U R replaced any one of print head in good working printer, printer detects new print head & it will try to align it with others. Printer will print align page to read, while reading if its found any other print heads are poor quality or bad condition, it will say to replace them also.. Some times it may 2,3 or all. If UR printer is trying to printing align page and reading it, definitely it will detects & displays the faulty /poor quality print heads. U have to replace it.. If UR feels its expensive, try to clean the print heads manually & try for UR luck..."
Meer informatieEither the belt pulley is broken, or installed incorrectly, or the belt was installed backwards.
Meer informatieYour printer head is clogged, be sure to clean it until you get the solid lines.You should clean it with clean tool. Here are something tell you how to clean the printer head
Meer informatieI recommend you having the printer cleaned by people who does maintenance on Epson printers.Or you could get some cleaning kit for print head.Here are something you maybe need.
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