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i fixed mine. The power button is a tactile switch soldered directly to the board. theres nothing behind it to stop it from snapping off the board if it gets pushed too hard, except for some plastic "posts" to hold the part that presses the button inside. unfortunately they are only somewhat effective. Anyway, I fixed it by aligning the tact switch with the pads on the board and soldering it back on. you will need a relatively small tip on your iron, and take care not to melt the posts I mentioned earlier. take the mobo out entirely if you need to. I protected the button from breaking off again in the future by cutting a small piece off an itunes card and sandwiching it between the back of the tact switch and the edge of the battery.
For O.P. I once revived a completely dead ipod touch battery by using aligator clips to connect it to my cell phone's battery terminals. i plugged the phone in, and it gave the battery enough juice to be charged normally. ____________________________________________________ For arjun Your ipod is in DFU mode just as you were attempting. redsn0w should allow you to contine. If you changed your mind and just want it back on, hold home and power for like 30 seconds, or until it shows the apple logo then let go and all should be well.