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I'm a second year Design Major at UC Davis. I chose to be a design major to learn about designing immersive experiences.

I am able to mend clothes and fix wooden items. I made a planter box and corset from scratch. I have fixed broken clothing like darning socks.

I host mending workshops for the Aggie Reuse Store, helping people repair their old things. I am their design lead, redesigning the interior of the store. I work as the activity booth coordinator for the ACUSD Pride Festival for which I make things from scratch for the decoration of the festival. I also am the socials planner and publicity for the Davis Rewilding Society.

In my free time I enjoy doing crafts, rock climbing, cooking, doing puzzles, and hosting my own personal events.

This project will benefit me as things break all the time during events and long term in a stores design things break. On a personal level, I am clumsy and chaotic so things break a lot in my home and I believe strongly in sustainability and taking care of things you own.

Handleidingen waar ik aan meegewerkt heb

Julia Holton








Lid sinds 04/26/24

I'm a second year Design Major at UC Davis. I am able to mend clothes and fix wooden items. I made a planter box and corset from scratch. I have fixed broken clothing like darning socks. I host mending workshops for the Aggie Reuse Store, helping repair old things.
