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Hello! My name is Allison. I'm a first year student at UC Davis with a major in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior (NPB). In the future, I hope to work in the healthcare industry, but more specifically, as a physician assistant. I would definitely consider myself as a critical thinker and a good problem solver. I'm pretty adaptable and good at thinking on my feet. I enjoy collaborating with teammates and helping those in need.

I am looking to expand my experience in repair, as I think it would make me a more independent person. I would love to learn how to fix a flat tire, jumpstart a car, or fix a bike since those are useful life skills.

I am currently a part of pre-health organizations at my school and my school's cheer team. In my free time, I enjoy working out, listening to music, eating food, and spending time with others. A fun fact about me is that I have a dog!

With this project, I hope to be able to tap more into my creative side and learn new skills that can help me later in life. It's important to be able to be self-reliant so that so that one isn't overly dependent on others. Overall, I am excited to learn and discover new things!

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Top: One of my high school graduation photos.

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Bottom: Me and my dog!

Handleidingen waar ik aan meegewerkt heb

Allison Lau








Lid sinds 04/25/24
