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Hey, @shawngordo95499 It seems like there's an issue here with either your battery or vapor chamber. I'd suggest opening the cell phone and checking that both are in good condition, and neither are inflated AT ALL. If either of them are, replace the inflated part and any parts suffering burn damage or corrosion. Good Luck.
Meer informatieHey, @scottfckal40652 The main board for the S21 and the USB-C port are the exact same between the US and International models, and therefore yes you can order the one from America. The main difference between the two is battery internals prohibited by international law, and some software limitations. Good Luck.
Meer informatieHey, @davidcrosb31239 I'd suggest using a Y.6 bit, as it's the smallest I've seen and the smallest I've used. Anything too small for the Y.6 simply doesn't exist. You can find the bit as part of various sets in the iFixit Shop, or purchase it individually through a different retailer, such as Amazon or Walmart. Pages of Interest: Eliot Electronics Y0000 Bit Y0.6 Bit Good Luck.
Meer informatieHey, @najimu Take a look at the side of the train where the top and bottom should clip together. If you could get a prying tool or spudger in there, you could separate it and open the train to access the internal components. Good Luck.
Meer informatieअरे, @meghastudio हम यहां जो देख रहे हैं वह संभवतः एक क्षतिग्रस्त सेंसर है, जिसे बदलने की आवश्यकता होगी। आपको डिवाइस को अलग करना होगा, और फिर यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए प्रत्येक व्यक्तिगत सेंसर की जांच करें कि यह ठीक से संरेखित है और इस पर कोई धूल, गंदगी या मलबा नहीं है। आपको कामयाबी मिले। Google translate: What we're seeing here is probably a damaged sensor, which will need to be replaced. You will need to take the device apart, and then check each individual sensor to make sure it is properly aligned and there is no dust, dirt, or debris on it. May you be successful.
Meer informatieHey, @rex50018 I've done a few screen replacements on ROG 4s and 5s, and I can say for certain your fingerprint scanner is still going to work. If you properly connect all the cables and put everything where it belongs, it'll function the same as before, or maybe even better. Just make sure there's no dust or debris covering it before you put the device back together. Good Luck.
Meer informatieيا, @rozimht لا توجد طريقة رسمية لفتح قفل الجهاز، إلا من خلال SamsungSupport . أحد الخيارات التي قد تكون لديك هو استخدام تطبيقات الطرف الثالث، مثل iUnlock أو SamsungBreacher. حظ سعيد. أعتذر إذا كانت لغتي العربية ضعيفة، فلم أتحدثها منذ فترة طويلة.
Meer informatieHey, @isaiahstallings I would suggest you use the pink adhesive to secure the device, as it was intended specifically for this device, while the other may not be exactly what's necessary. At the end of the day, I don't believe the adhesive will make a difference, but just play it on the safe side and use the adhesive that was shipped with the LCD Assembly. Pages of Interest: iFixit Guide to iPhone 11 Display Panel Replacement Additional YouTube Guide on usage of Display Panel Adhesive with iPhone models iFixit Guide to Display Panel Adhesive Replacement Good Luck.
Meer informatieHey, @avinashkuma7764 Sounds like a CPU failure to me. CPU fans in newer Macbooks are completely ineffective, and this leads to overheating after long periods of time. It sounds to me like the CPU went into emergency shutdown mode to try to save itself from being fried by the intense heat released by the electrical components inside your device. It may have been a failure of the fan temporarily, a period where the fan wasn't running fast enough (Sometimes caused by a glitch that doesn't allocate enough power to the fan. This is supposed to be a glitch but I'd bet Apple did it on purpose), or possibly your Mac was being used for too long at the time, for too strenuous of a task. My suggestion would be to open the device and inspect the CPU, to make sure it's in proper condition, without any markings or burns on the surface. Next, I would clean the fan using either a toothbrush or air can to ensure that it is in the best possible condition, and hope for the best. If this happens again, I would suggest...
Meer informatieHey, @abhishekth61196 Take a look at your device diagnostics and see if you have a sufficient amount of RAM, or if your stick(s) are fully connected, as device lag when on offline function is often caused by a lack of RAM. Additionally, I would scrub the HDD. This can be done in two ways. The first is manually, which will take at least a half hour of clicking around. To do this, enter your File Browser (Assuming you're using windows and not a Linux variant) and just enter every single folder for every single little thing and remove stuff that's unnecessary. Unless you have extensive software knowledge, this can be risky because you may end up deleting vital programs that allow your apps and device to run optimally. The other method is CCleaner, which I've been using since the Windows 7 Release. Just download it from the website, and have it scan, then run, and repeat that 3x. It's worked miracles on old and new computers I've had brought into the shop. Good Luck.
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