The repairer must of not calibrated it correctly as you said,or it must be a pin issue. i would go to a different repair shop to evaluate it and fix any issues
Something might be stuck inside of the scroll button, dissasemble it using this guide: Logitech G502 Hero Disassembly Or try to use wd40 to get whatever is in there out, make sure to unlock the scroll bar if your mouse has a lock on it
Something might be lodged in between the brakes, try seeing if there is or it just might be a car error, talk to bmw or go to a repair place, i cant really do anything about it since i focus on pcs. And im 15
(1) On your keyboard, ssthe Win + R key combo to launch Run (2) Type “control panel” and press Enter. (3) When the Control Panel window has opened, go to the drop-down list next to View by. (4) Here, select Category. (5) Next, click System and Security. (6) In the next window, click Power Options. (7) In the left pane, click Choose what the power buttons do (8) Next, click Change settings that are currently unavailable (9) Make sure to check the Sleep box down below. (10) Click Save changes to bring the sleep option back. (11) To confirm this, go to the Power menu and see if the sleep option has returned.
could be a gpu problem, if you have a gpu then take it out then put it back in, if you have dedicated graphics then you should check your cpu, if none of it works then go to dell support.