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i was given the Black edition 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo version. I swapped out the old 80GB 5400rpm SATA and put in a 120GB SSD. Was very easy, even though its only using a SATA 1.5, it's still faster than any platter drive. Also using an OWC kit, I took the RAM to 6GB using a 2GB & 4GB DDR2 upgrade kit. Better than the original 2GB this old thing came with. My only issue is being stuck with Mac OS 10.7.5 Lion. But It's amazing how much life one can get out of a 14yr old computer!
I have a Sonnet PCI card that has 2x SATA ports & 1x UltraATA100 port. Currently is installed in my classic PM Dual 1.25G4 MDD. AFAIK, it will drive any SATA III device, such as a SSD... At this time I have only tested it with two old 2.5" SATA 5400rpm HDD's I pulled from some old laptops (320GB, 500GB) and they seem to work fine for data drives. I think I shall test some SSD's I have on hand to see if the card will recognize them. Would be nice, as any SATA SSD, would be faster than an ATA66 HDD.
I disagree with the info about PCI cards do not support Graphics... when my previous AGP card died (I too had the monster NVIDIA GeForce4 Titanium 128MB), I had an immediate need for any video card i could find, I was able to procure & use without issue an ATI Radeon 9200 Mac Edition 128MB DDR PCI video card. It has VGA, S-Video, & DVI ports. The card wasn't as fast as a dedicated AGP 4x video card but it did the trick as at the time I could not afford another AGP board.
I had bought my custom bto PM Dual 1.25GHz G4 MDD in 12/03. I used that computer until 2012 (when I ended buying a Mac Mini). In those years the PSU died on me 4 different times. the 1st one was replaced via my AppleCare plan, the 2nd one I had to pay $90 via an ApplePro plan?, the 3rd one was some compatible Samsung PSU that cost me around $200, the 4th one was a modded PSU that a friend did for me. It's been over 10yrs since I attempted to boot up my old PMD125G4. Am Tempted to try and Revive it, but not sure if the PSU would give me trouble.
in 12/03 my bto PM Dual 1.25 G4 MDD, came with one of those monster Titanium 128MB video cards. One day I smelled something bad and discovered some of the wires on said card had melted! I was forced to swap it out for a ATI Radeon 9000 Mac edition 128MB Video Card. Which seemed to work better. I can't recall though if it was a PCI or AGP card.
Can the card be "shortened" aka modded/cut, safely without the card becoming unusable?