Mine is also dead. when plugged in I get one long LED then three short blinks, then two then the cycle repeats. At no time does the screen turn on. Anyone else have this issue ? It sadly looks terminal, but I thought I would ask just in case.
It may not have bad memory, just simply corrupted. No guarantees here but it's worth trying to run WebOS doctor on it. If it fails at 12%, then it's likely corrupted from a failed Android install. There are steps in the webosnations.com forums and rootzwiki on steps to fix the issue either using tpdebrick or running command line to rebuild the partition structure. It actually takes a lot to truly kill a TP so if you have not already tried the above it's worth a shot. If it's not been charged for a while and does not come up with the included barrel charger, connect it to one from a cell phone for a day or two and it will slow charge it enough for the TP charger to finish the job. There is a known issue with the charging circuit and once the battery level gets too low, this is the way to get around it.
I am in the same boat on an old nano I brought back from the dead. So does it ground from the back of the click wheel to the back of the case? The photos on line are not clear. The best photo seems to show a thicker silver pad attached on the board end and then taped to the back of the click wheel. I suspect this is why my wheel is not responding.(I tried 2 wheels and neither worked, so I suspect this missing strap at the moment.) Thanks Joe