Deze gebruiker heeft hun profiel nog niet ingevuld.
Commentaar Gids
What the fock?!?!? Ohhh, you basterds. I see what kind of game you're playing. I'm coming to get ya'. I'm gonna track you down, so help me God. I won't rest until I feel the warm, sticky blood of this author, and anybody that looks like him!! I will have my vengeance! I shall reign down upon him like a…(ding!) Ooohh! My toaster pastries!
Oh, God, please. Please have a price at the end. I might just…just…just fukking “flip” out if there is no price mentioned! (See what I did there? Tee-hee).
So far so good! I am certain that this guide won't leave off without a price for a replacement driver. The author surely would not leave out this critical information. Other information will be given as well. Information like where the part can be obtained. He definitely doesn't just say “reverse the procedure to install new driver". Not this guy. Nope.
I want to know how I can get my 45 seconds of life back. Or, if that can't be done, just send me the author's address, telephone number, and list of places he frequently visits so I can punch him in the stomach a couple of times. Maybe work the ribs and kidneys over for a while. I assume these places are of the roller skating rink, ice cream shop, and local elementary school parking lot variety. You know… pedophile stuff. Because he is a NAMBLA poster waiting to happen. Filthy, filthy animal. Bye-bye now!!
Worst “repair guide" ever. Just…it’s just bad, folks. I’m d@mn near speechless, and that's rarely the case. Just ask your mother. You know, that fat b¡tch that is reading this over your shoulder.