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How do I know what needs replaced between loader tab, the sealer and/or the white tube. Because the symptoms seem to be the same for any of those(?) i’m not getting any gas at all but the tab pushes down as normal and blows big bubbles full of nothing’s the one problem. So i thought it might be the inside seal that i’ve looked at your instructions on that and these others.
Anyone know the exact size of the washer-ring that seals the Co2 cannister in the back of the Source model?
I have Lumia 640 how can i turn speaker on or off when i want to either hear the voice mail or play video or the like? And is it just simple touch on screen or setting?
I’m confused by the washer where pinching out one of the washers and if there’s a second one there(?) leave it and save the other one just pulled out for future. What if there isn’t an extra washer there, then what put the one you just pulled out from-back? My canister is always needing tightening to every time I use the sodastream or else it’s low bubbly and looks like there’s nothing in the canister left, but there is, it’s just always untightening and i’ve had it for about a year and use it frequently. That’s other thing, where to get replacement washers and if the hose on the front of it’s loose where you put in the bottle or on the bottle, where’s that going to come from as there’s not much on their own (manufacturer’s) site to offer up the info.
If I can pull this whole thing off (and back on and assemble) that will be ACHIEVEMENT!
Started reminding me of watching an excellent video (BTW) of a guy tearing down and rebuilding a vehicle’s transmission…..kind of exaggeration:)
Thanks for posting this wonderful step-by-step! Great diagram and details*
How do you fix the white tube (if it’s loose)? Thanks