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Has anyone found out any info about replacing the Apple iPhone 8 Front glass. Last I checked Apple had made it that if you install a non OEM screen and updates their phone, it will brick there phone. I have not been fixing any iPhone 8’s or iPhone x’s due to this. I So if someone knows if this has been resolved or if this still holds true can you please let me know. Also, Fixing back glass. From what I have seen they use some crazy glue. Does anyone have any methods on a easy way to replace back glass on the iPhone 8’s ? do you still basically have to gut the phone ? what kind of glue is used to glue it back on? Any help with these issues would greatly be appreciated I have been repairing phones for over 8 years + and turning away customers because apple is so dumb with these things upsets me greatly. I loved repairing iPhone up until this point. Help please.