Thanks for the write up! I was able to install Peppermint 8 Respin-2 on my friends HP Pavilion Chromebook 14-c050nr. However, there are a couple of gaps in the procedure that may throw some people off. Between Steps 2 & 3 I had to enable developer mode as directed by <>. In Step 3 if you cut & paste the command you still need to change "util.s..." to "". Also, at the end of Step 3 to correct the location of the grub EFI boot stub as directed by the answer to the second question of <>, the choices for selection where a bit more complicated than Mr Chromebox wrote. IIRC, I first chose the partition containing the bootloader (partition 1), then "ubuntu", then "grubx64.efi". After that the Linux bootable USB stick booted, I opened a terminal, and entered the three commands as directed using "ubuntu" as the distro name, not Peppermint. Hope that helps someone.
The Canon S110 has two models, PC1819 and PC1882. The LED displays I see on eBay are described as PC1819 displays. My S110 is a PC1882 model. Do I need to buy one specifically for the PC1882 or will the PC1819 work? The only mention in the S110 Owners Manual about models is in the chapter on WLAN.