Deze gebruiker heeft hun profiel nog niet ingevuld.
Two Options: (1) Download Hiren Boot CD, burn it to a CD and boot from it and follow on screen prompts. (1) If you're lucky and can get into a guest account and havent downloaded the update that patches this command line action, then you can type this into a command prompt without the quotes: [code] Where <username> is the username of the account needing the change and <new-pass> is the new password For Example, [code]
This can have multiple solutions so heres a few: (1) The graphics port went bad, try hooking to a monitor known to work **If the port is bad most desktops have several options for PCI slots to install a new graphics card (1) The input on the monitor is wrong , for example if you're connecting HDMI bur the monitor is on VGA (2) The power supply or other internal component could be bad I would first try hooking it up to a 2nd monitor/TV.