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Well, I dropped my camera with the lens extended.So now the lens is not opening.So you know I freaked.But here is the guide to recovery.First of all, where did this error happen? Did it happen on the beach or some place sandy or did it fall on the sidewalk or the cement with the lens open.Now once you know where it happened you can now continue. HERE ARE A COUPLE OF FIXES FOR BOTH Types OF PROBLEMS Here some fixes for some place sandy 1. Take a flimsy card or paper ( Macy's Money ) and move it through the lens barrel 2. Use a hair dryer or the high setting with the cool on to blow out any sand 3. Use compressed air to blow out any sand 4. Take a sharpie and tap the lens very lightly while the camera is upside down 5. This is an extreme one but, take the camera upside down and tap it not to lightly but not too hard either Here are some fixes for falling on the sidewalk or the cement with the lens open. 1. Turn camera off the place it on its back and check the spacing between the lens and lens housing.If you...