I also have a bad Imac here. look for yourself Bad 12V closed GND Update (03.12.2018): I found the short circuit. it will probably have many the problem or get it soon the GND and BKLT BOOST lines are exactly on top of each other. fatal is the mini badly insulated line from bottom to top, between C9799 and C9709. I try to repair the place. Unfortunately, Q9702 has died too, it does not output 12V_BKLT_PWR anymore .12V_S0 input are ok. as soon as the new parts are there, go on :)
Hey guys ! I'm still looking for a replacement Oled display. Has anyone ever found a source? with ebay and Ali there is unfortunately nothing Repair try not succeed:( Update (10.09.2018): hey people, I got 3 almost new displays! sell 2 pieces. Shipping only in EU. who one would like to write please:) Update (11.10.2018): Hello ,please contact my here https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/oculus-rift-headset-display-links-oder-rechts-inkl-versand-/965632652-225-3837?utm_source=sharesheet&utm_campaign=... Update (17.10.2018): Achtung! all displasys sold
Update (28.02.2016): my Cinema Display 24" FIX :) ------------------- Step 1: Remove the 3 resistors R0444,R0459,R0445 ------------------- Step 2: connect the 3 pull-down resistors to 3.3V ( ONLY the page to the driver IC) ------------------- END FIX ------------------- Have fun and viel Spaß ^^ -->!!WARNUNG /Warning !!<-- the L-board has 24& 70 voltage **Nachbau auf eigene Gefahr,ich übernehme keine Haftung**