Deze gebruiker heeft hun profiel nog niet ingevuld.
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Commentaar Gids
while technically correct, this guide is not complete in the sense that a new tech cannot follow it step-by-step to successfully complete a screen replacement. You should include the steps necessary to move the parts over from the old screen. Yes you can buy screen replacements with small parts but most repair operations don't do that as it isn't that hard to move them and much less expensive.
There are many small parts involved in moving from one screen to another. There are also a few steps that require prying a flex from the frame that is taped down. Having the additional steps in this guide that point out exactly where each small parts go and how to successfully pull the flex off without tearing it would be a huge improvement to this guide (and all the other screen replacement guides as they all have the same gap)
thanks - this is a great site and my techs use it for training every day.
Marty Morrow
Digital Doc Des Moines
electronics repair shop in Des Moines, Iowa. We fix...