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Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel

Wat je nodig hebt

  1. Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Verwijder de schroeven uit de behuizing: stap 1, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Gebruik een Tri-point Y00-schroevendraaier of -bitje om de vier 6.3 mm lange schroeven uit het achterste paneel van de Joy-Con te verwijderen.

  2. Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Scheid de twee helften van de Joy-Con van elkaar: stap 2, afbeelding 1 van 3 Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Scheid de twee helften van de Joy-Con van elkaar: stap 2, afbeelding 2 van 3 Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Scheid de twee helften van de Joy-Con van elkaar: stap 2, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • Steek een openingsplectrum in de naad aan de onderkant van de controller (tegenover de L- en ZL-knop).

    • Schuif je plectrum vervolgens langzaam maar zeker langs de zijkant van de Joy-Con naar boven.

    • Voorkom dat je je plectrum te diep in de Joy-Con steekt. Dit kan leiden tot schade aan de onderdelen in de controller. Aangezien het achterste paneel relatief gemakkelijk los komt, hoef je niet veel druk uit te oefenen.

  3. Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Open de Joy-Con: stap 3, afbeelding 1 van 2 Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Open de Joy-Con: stap 3, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Zorg dat de oplaadmodule van je af wijst en open de Joy-Con vervolgens alsof je een boek zou openen.

    • Probeer het achterste paneel nog niet volledig te verwijderen, aangezien er nog twee kabels lopen die de oplaadmodule met het moederbord verbinden.

  4. Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Koppel de batterij los: stap 4, afbeelding 1 van 2 Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Koppel de batterij los: stap 4, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Gebruik een spudger om de aansluiting van de batterij in een rechte beweging van het contact op het moederbord omhoog te duwen. Dit voorkomt dat de Joy-Con aan kan gaan tijdens de reparatie.

    • Ga voorzichtig te werk bij het omhoog wrikken van de aansluiting: als deze niet omhoog komt met behulp van de spudger kun je proberen de kabels op voorzichtige wijze omhoog te trekken om de aansluiting los te koppelen.

    • Om de batterij weer aan te sluiten, druk je de aansluiting recht omlaag op het contact op het moederbord.

  5. Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Schroef de oplaadmodule los: stap 5, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Gebruik een Phillips #00-schroevendraaier om de 2.5 mm lange schroef, waarmee de oplaadmodule bevestigd is, te verwijderen.

  6. Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Verwijder de achterste behuizing: stap 6, afbeelding 1 van 2 Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Verwijder de achterste behuizing: stap 6, afbeelding 2 van 2
    • Trek het achterste paneel van de oplaadmodule af om deze te verwijderen.

    • Er bestaat een kans dat de ontgrendelknop bij het verwijderen uit het achterste paneel valt. Zorg dat je deze knop weer op de juiste manier terug plaatst bij het weer in elkaar zetten van je toestel: de lip op de knop moet in de uitsparing in het achterste paneel vallen.

  7. Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Verwijder de beugel van de bevestigingsgrendel: stap 7, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Gebruik een Phillips #00-schroevendraaier om de schroef, waarmee de beugel van de bevestigingsgrendel bevestigd is, te verwijderen.

    Be sure not to over-tighten this screw on reassembly, or the button will stick. Test the button before reassembling the plastic shell.

    Andy Harris - Antwoord

    Is there a missing step of disconnecting the cables to the other half of the joycon?

    Nexant - Antwoord

  8. Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel: stap 8, afbeelding 1 van 3 Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel: stap 8, afbeelding 2 van 3 Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel: stap 8, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • Schuif een arm van een pincet onder het platte gedeelte in het midden van de beugel van de bevestigingsgrendel.

    • Pak de beugel vast met je pincet en trek de beugel in een rechte beweging van de oplaadmodule weg om deze te verwijderen.

    This step takes some considerable force by the way.

    IkBenAnders - Antwoord

    if you have trouble removing the silver bracket just pry with the tweezers then put the screwdriver under the bracket the pry and it comes of so much easier!!!

    Micah Hilbert - Antwoord

    The spring may eject during this step if you pull with enough force to pry the buckle lock out. Keep your body to prevent the spring from flying too far. Also be mindful of which direction in the room it could fly to help you locate it sooner if it does eject out-of-sight.

    Booster Boards - Antwoord

    Yes it's true, I've lost springs before when disassembling a Joycon, have a flashlight near you in case it rockets somewhere in the room.

    Alessandro De Marta -

    Note that if the buckle release is stiff or not returning to the correct position you may need to loosen this part out to give the correct resistance against the spring. This is more prevalent in non standard parts such as a metal Buckle lock. Lubrication may also help, such as WD40.

    William McGregor - Antwoord

  9. Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Verwijder de bevestingsgrendel: stap 9, afbeelding 1 van 3 Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Verwijder de bevestingsgrendel: stap 9, afbeelding 2 van 3 Joy-Con Vervanging van de bevestigingsgrendel, Verwijder de bevestingsgrendel: stap 9, afbeelding 3 van 3
    • Til de bevestigingsgrendel lichtjes uit de inkeping in de oplaadmodule, tot de veer voldoende bloot is gelegd om deze met je pincet volledig vast te kunnen pakken.

    • Pak de bevestigingsgrendel op zo'n manier met je pincet vast dat de armen van je pincet aan de zijkanten van de grendel zitten en de veer op z'n plek houden.

    • De veer kan bij het verwijderen van de grendel weg schieten. Zorg daarom dat je een stevige grip hebt met je pincet.

    • Trek de bevestigingsgrendel uit de inkeping in de oplaadmodule.

    • Zorg dat je de veer, bij het weer in elkaar zetten van je toestel, van de oude naar die nieuwe grendel verplaatst.

    Upon reassembly of the buckle lock make sure the notch on the back is facing downwards.

    Kallon Lewallen - Antwoord

    Dude, the shooting spring has to be a warning, PLEASE. I didn’t read the whole thing and it spring out once I lifted the buckle lock. I spent like 30 MINUTES finding it AND HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. I got so angry and once I found it it was AMAZING. So PLEASE AT ALL COSTS DO NOT LOSE IT PLEASE. I WAS GOING THROUGH THE STAGES OF GRIEF.

    Alexander Munoz Solis - Antwoord

    ALSO be careful when screwing because I stripped the screw meaning the head of a screw has worn out from not pushing down enough and screwing it back in which ruined the screw. So BE VERY VERY CAREFUL, be sure you know everything you’re doing because if you don’t it’ll MESS you up.

    Alexander Munoz Solis - Antwoord

    There used to be a photo and a procedure step showing the buckle lock orientation. Some important stuff got deleted here.

    Jim Nugent - Antwoord

    Unbedingt darauf achten den richtigen Metallsicherungsriegel zu benutzen!

    Es gibt einen für den rechten Joycon und einen für den linken!

    Am besten genau mit dem alten aus Plastik vergleichen

    Peter Ullrich - Antwoord

    don't tighten the metal buckle too tight. it stops the spring from working and the lock will not work

    sven coessens - Antwoord

    Not sure if this only applies to the white OLED model, but for the left joycon that came with it, the buckle lock bracket was extremely difficult to remove. I had apply enough force that the bracket bent in the middle before it only popped out on the bottom side. Instead of trying to fully remove it, I just bent it out of the way, replaced the buckle lock, and bent it back in place.

    As others have said, some of the screws will very easily strip the plastic screw holes. For me, the short 2.5 mm screw for the charging rail stripped the plastic. Fortunately, the kit I purchased off amazon had some extra screws that were thicker, and were able to secure the rail.

    Otherwise, this was a great guide, and made the repair relatively painless.

    David H - Antwoord


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35 opmerkingen

I tried to do this carefully, but I ended up removing the side rail ribbon cables and I had to disassemble the whole thing just to try to get to the inside of these babies. However it seems I messed up, and now I could use some help here. I don't want to lose my left Joy-Con.

Francisco Q. - Antwoord

It seems rather strange.. Its pretty easy to reattach. All I have is a $@$*!& ph00 + y00 that stripped the screws so I broke the cover. Technically not my fault. I have done multiple reshells.

[deleted] -

I tryed to do this but the 2nd at the bottom would not come out now my buckle is chiped

TAQI HASSAN - Antwoord

You mean the screws? Break off the shell! A perfect opportunity to put some clear ones :))

[deleted] -

I bought this kit of replacement metal buckles, and they work beautifully:

This kit comes with four buckles, two for the left Joy Con, and two for the right. If you happen to have two sets (or plan to get a second set) of Joy Cons, a whopping $9.00 will set you up right.

I did have a bit of trouble replacing the metal cover that holds the buckle in place, but that was my own stupidity as I was trying to do this repair with insufficient light. Once I shed some light on the subject and I could see what I was doing, everything went back together smooth as silk. I replaced the buckles on both of my Joy Cons, and they’re both rock solid now.

itpurchasing - Antwoord

I just bent that and refitted it. Force INDEED works.

[deleted] -

i held the latch in one hand and gently pulled it out and the spring went flying! never found it again. just printed a shorter one with a pen spring.

Kobedie - Antwoord

I saw a recommendation to remove the latch while holding the controller inside a zip lock bag, i thought that was pretty clever :)

Martin Refseth -

Strange.. I did both and never had such issues. I just do this trick; first I cover the area, 2nd I remove the energy by when raising at pushing slowly grabbing back if you understand. Kinda hard to explain.

[deleted] -

pretty easy solution, don’t think it’s fixed the wobbly joycon issue much but I feel safer in the knowledge that these new buckles shouldn’t wear out as easily (if at all)

thegreatcraftings - Antwoord

It really shouldn’t. In my opinion, metal to metal is more prone to break, maybe the rail or the joycon, but yeah feels much sturdier. So worth it.

[deleted] -

Be careful with the small metal screw that attaches joycon shell to the black rail thingie - it’s very easy to damage the screw hole when reassembling the joycon by not properly aligning it with the shell.

Alexandr Oleynikov - Antwoord

Followed this guide. Was super easy. I replaced the locks in both my joycons in under 30 minutes.

NOTE: Often the metal locks come with some tools when you order them. IN my experience these are not high quality and can damage the screws. I recommend getting ifixit tools.

Gavin McFall - Antwoord

RIP my springs. IDK how you’re meant to take the latches out but I definitely didn’t do it right. Good thing Aliexpress sells replacements lol

UnicornsOnLSD - Antwoord

I bought a kit of metal buckles and put them in using this guide and it worked perfectly. Thanks! :)

Alex - Antwoord

If you drop your switch on the side the joycons would probably be the first thing to break… sooo by making a joycon component that makes contact with the console out of metal, wouldn’t that mean the mechanism in the console itself would break in case of a drop?

BadamAdam - Antwoord

That’s almost certainly why the JoyCon latches are plastic to begin with… they’re probably engineered to give way under extraordinary circumstances.

Jim Nugent -

I can tell you from experience the joycons are sturdy enough to survive serious stresses. My granddaughter somehow managed to remove one by snapping off the mounting screws on the rails. Not easy to do, as the rails are mounted directly on the metal midframe. So I got the honor of pioneering the midframe replacement guide here.

Jerry Wheeler -

I also bought this kit of replacement metal buckles, and they work beautifully:

This kit comes with four buckles, two for the left Joy Con, and two for the right. If you happen to have two sets (or plan to get a second set) of Joy Cons, a whopping price will set you up right.

Ray Rivera - Antwoord

So my joycon is loose, Should I buy a spring or just need to replace the buckle lock only?

yusuf afandi - Antwoord

If the button still goes in and out when pressed the spring should be fine. That said, if you see a good offer that includes both it never hurts to have spares since they are very easy to lose.

David R. -

I replaced the buckles in my joycons but now my left joycon slides off more easily (without pressing the button) than before? Can someone help me with this?

Rick Houtzager - Antwoord

Are you sure you’ve put the right buckle in? The buckles for each joycon are different and if you put in the wrong one, it’ll be hard to slot in but easy to remove (the opposite of what you want). It happened to me on my first repair lol

David R. -

Worked like a charm! Well, expect for that &!%& spring, which I almost lost twice. :)

Alfy B - Antwoord

I was able to do this easily, and it works great! However, I did have to do it twice because the first time I put in the wrong side of buckle. For other people like me who might forget that these things are different whether left or right, I think a big disclaimer at the beginning could help, something like “Make sure you are installing the correct side of buckle for your joycon” for example. Thanks for the guide!

David R. - Antwoord

Can the people who changed the original latches, to the metal ones, tell me if this repair ended up damaging the console, because it is no longer plastic? Thank you.

JELLERET - Antwoord

It does not damage the console. The metal latch only interfaces with the metal bars on the side of the screen, which are very robust.

Jim Nugent -

Echoing David R’s comment; I did the exact same thing. The buckles are sided, meaning one’s for the left side and the other’s for the right. Be sure you’ve got them in the correct position before you button it all up again or like me you’ll be disassembling them again so you can swap the buckles to their proper positions. Once they were on the correct sides, the controllers latch down nicely.

Jerry Wheeler - Antwoord

It should be made aware that each buckle is shaped differently for each joycon. I bought the pack thinking I could fix both my left joycons, then I realized I had to disassemble one again.

Daniel Cital - Antwoord

Thank you very much! I was wondering why my joy cons was still unlatching. Turns out I inverted the buckles during the installation.

Emmanuel Marleau -

if you have trouble removing the silver bracket just pry with the tweezers then put the screwdriver under the bracket the pry and it comes of so much easier!!!

Micah Hilbert - Antwoord

Don't be like me, get attention to the spring if you don't want to be directly hit in the face by it :D

Nauer - Antwoord

When you're screwing the lock bracket screw back in, make sure not to screw it in too tight. I had it screwed in too tight when I installed the metal locks, and the lock wouldn't go back out properly after I pressed the release button.

Incineroar2296 - Antwoord

You have to be careful at the end with the cabel of the SR, SL buttons. Mine got damaged while putting anything back together. As said in a other guide here its best to place it below the battery to prevent damage!

Paul Stachowiak - Antwoord

Set up guide parts kit worked perfect fixed my kids Nintendo switch handles. Do not come off on their own anymore when you play OK pricing for the little parts charging as much as they did for shipping was a little excessive when you could’ve just put them in a padded envelope instead of a giant box Charge a little less for shipping but overall love that I fix it. Guides quality parts.

Dan Erickson - Antwoord

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