''The first number is the amber or yellow light and indicates the number of flashes. The second light is the white and again number is how many flashes. For example 3 yellow flashes followed by 1 white flsah indicates a dead CMOS battery.''
1,2 Unrecoverable SPI Flash Failure
2,1 CPU configuration or CPU failure
2,2 System board: BIOS or Read-Only Memory (ROM) failure
2,3 No memory or Random-Access Memory (RAM) detected
Does anything appear on the screen like the DELL logo? Are you able to get into the BIOS by pressing ***F2 key*** when you power on?
Do you mean the amber/yellow/ orange light is on continuously or blinking continuously?
Continuosly ***ON*** indicates a boot failure, including the power-supply unit.
Continuously ***Blinking*** amber indicates a boot failure ***but*** the power-supply unit is functioning correctly.
''Here are more detailed Light Error Codes:''
***DELL G5 5000 Diagnostic light codes (Amber , White) Problem description***
''The first number is the amber or yellow light and indicates the number of flashes. The second light is the white and again number is how many flashes. For example 3 yellow flashes followed by 1 white flsah indicates a dead CMOS battery.''
1,2 Unrecoverable SPI Flash Failure
2,1 CPU configuration or CPU failure
2,2 System board: BIOS or Read-Only Memory (ROM) failure
2,3 No memory or Random-Access Memory (RAM) detected
2,4 Memory or Random-Access Memory (RAM) failure
2,5 Invalid memory installed
2,6 System board/Chipset Error/Clock failure/Gate A20 failure/Super I/O failure/Keyboard controller failure
3,1 CMOS battery failure
3,2 PCI of Video card/chip failure
3,3 BIOS Recovery 1: BIOS recovery image not found
3,4 BIOS Recovery 2: Recovery image found but invalid
3,5 Power Rail Failure: EC ran into power sequencing failure
3,6 Paid SPI Volume Error
3,7 Management Engine (ME) error. Timeout waiting on ME to reply to HECI message.
4,2 CPU Power cable connection issue