My phone started this about three years ago. Internet search found it’s a common problem with the Turbo 2. Port is poorly soldered to the board. Found a company that could repair it. They even had a YouTube video of him doing the repair. Then I found the the phone has an inductive charger, so I’ve been using it ever since. I recently had to replace the battery. Thought while I was in there I’d solder those connections myself. That’s when I realized why he was using a video microscope. The connections are tiny. There are five of them in a row and they are all in about a 3/8 inch space. I had to put on a pair of reading classes and look through the lighted magnifying glass I have mounted on my desk. I didn’t have a soldering tip small enough. In fact I’ve never seen one small enough so I wired a needle to the tip and went at it. The needle just wouldn’t transfer enough heat to melt the solder so I gave up and finished the battery install.