I went ahead and dove into the unknown of this matter regarding the ability to manipulate and extend the Air Card antennas and found out some rather exciting information.
I went ahead and dove into the unknowns of this matter regarding the ability to tear down the antenna cables to manipulate and extend the Air Card antennas and I found out some rather exciting information.
While trying to pull some wiring through the hinge in order to reroute the hinge to make a 11” 2010 MBA display work on a 2011 of the same model A1370, I perforated the outer coating of one of the antenna wires rendering it more than likely useless.
Background: I first tried to do what another poster here said what had worked for them, but ran into problems. While trying to pull some antenna wiring cable through the hinge in order to reroute the hinge so I could make a 11” 2010 MacBook Air display work on a 2011 of the same model A1370, I perforated the outer coating of one of the antenna wires rendering it more than likely useless. The 2011 model has antenna cables built into the display that are about 1” longer than the 2010 model. So…. you can use a 2011 display assembly on a 2010 without modifying the antenna cables, but not the other way around
At that point I was all in to just try to extend the wires using some antenna wiring from a broken 13” A1369 display.
At that point due to the wiring damage I was all in to just try to extend the wires using some antenna wiring from a 13” A1369 display which I had that was cracked .
I just did a simple cut and spice by ++Very Carefully++ removing the wiring coating around the cable which holds 2 wires inside it. The innermost wire is straight and covered, and is surrounded by the outer wire that’s “braided”.
Method: I just did a simple cut and spice by ++Very Carefully++ removing the wiring coating around the cable which holds 2 wires inside it. The innermost wire is straight and covered, and is surrounded by the outer wire that’s “braided”.
Once the “straight/inner” were joined with reciprocal wire from the longer A1369 parts wire, i soldered the wires together and repeated this step with the “braided/outer” wires.
Once the “straight/inner” were joined with reciprocal wire from the longer A1369 parts wire, i soldered the wires together and repeated this step with the “braided/outer” wires.
The wires were sealed with shrinking tubing
Plugged everything back in and it worked perfectly!
I went ahead and dove into the unknown of this matter regarding the ability to manipulate and extend the Air Card antennas and found out some rather exciting information.
While trying to pull some wiring through the hinge in order to reroute the hinge to make a 11” 2010 MBA display work on a 2011 of the same model A1370, I perforated the outer coating of one of the antenna wires rendering it more than likely useless.
At that point I was all in to just try to extend the wires using some antenna wiring from a broken 13” A1369 display.
I just did a careful cut and spice by Very Carefully removing wiring coating around the “braded” wiring and then soldered it to the braded wire from the longer wire I needed. Then did the same with the “straight” wire in the very center and inside the second wire housing.
I just did a simple cut and spice by ++Very Carefully++ removing the wiring coating around the cable which holds 2 wires inside it. The innermost wire is straight and covered, and is surrounded by the outer wire that’s “braided”.
Once the “straight/inner” were joined with reciprocal wire from the longer A1369 parts wire, i soldered the wires together and repeated this step with the “braided/outer” wires.
The wires were sealed with shrinking tubing
Plugged everything in and it’s woeked perfectly!
Plugged everything back in and it worked perfectly!
I went ahead and dove into the unknown of this matter regarding the ability to manipulate and extend the Air Card antennas and found out some rather exciting information.
While trying to pull some wiring through the hinge in order to reroute the hinge to make a 11” 2010 MBA display work on a 2011 of the same model A1370, I perforated the outer coating of one of the antenna wires rendering it more than likely useless.
At that point I was all in to just try to extend the wires using some antenna wiring from a broken 13” A1369 display.
I just did a careful cut and spice by Very Carefully removing wiring coating around the “braded” wiring and then soldered it to the braded wire from the longer wire I needed. Then did the same with the “straight” wire in the very center and inside the second wire housing.
Plugged everything in and it’s woeked perfectly!