Hi @clorophilla ,
Try connecting an external monitor to the laptop to prove that there isn’t a problem with the GPU or the motherboard.
If its’ display is OK then it’s a toss up whether it is the display or the LVDS cable. It could be either.
Here’s a link to the [http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c01301275|service manual] for the laptop. Scroll to p.55 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the display panel.
Also on p.55 you’l find the part numbers for the replacement display assemblies. Select the part number appropriate to your model and then search online using the part number ''only'' in the search box of your browser to get results for suppliers of the part.
The parts breakdown information for the computer on p.15 of the manual states that the part number for the display assembly include 2 microphones and 2 wireless antenna transceivers and cables. Looking at the pictorial parts breakdown on p.14 of the manual the LVDS cable is a part of the display assembly, so it may be that the LVDS cable may be an integral part of the display assembly and not a separate removable cable. I don’t know if this is the case or not, but if you order the display assembly using the part number the cable will be included anyway.