My samsung camera DV 150F as soon as i press the power button LENS opens & close same time and follow message appears on screenTHE ZOOM DIDNT OPERATE NORMALLY INSERT THE BATTERY AGAIN AND TURN THE CAMERA ON IF NOT WORK CONTACT THE SERVICE CENTRE.
My Sony camera DV 150F as soon as i press the power button LENS opens & close same time and follow message appers on screenTHE ZOOM DIDNT OPERATE NORMALY INSERT THE BATTERY AGAIN AND TURN THE CAMERA ON IF NOT WORK CONTACT THE SERVICE CENTRE.
My samsung camera DV 150F as soon as i press the power button LENS opens & close same time and follow message appears on screenTHE ZOOM DIDNT OPERATE NORMALLY INSERT THE BATTERY AGAIN AND TURN THE CAMERA ON IF NOT WORK CONTACT THE SERVICE CENTRE.
My Sony camera DV 150F as soon as i press the power button LENS opens & close same time and follow message appers on screenTHE ZOOM DIDNT OPERATE NORMALY INSERT THE BATTERY AGAIN AND TURN THE CAMERA ON IF NOT WORK CONTACT THE SERVICE CENTRE.