Wiki met studentenbijdrage
Een geweldig team van studenten van ons onderwijsprogramma heeft deze wiki gemaakt.
Headphones Will Not Power On
Headphones are not responsive when the power switch is in the on position.
Faulty Battery
If the battery is installed and the battery life indicator does not light, remove, inspect, and replace the AAA battery. The battery terminal is located on the top of the right side earphone. Ensure the battery is inserted to the correct polarity, positive (+) pointing downward and negative (-) pointing upward. The power indicator should glow green when the headphones are in proper working condition.
Faulty Battery Compartment
If the battery is new and has been inserted with the correct polarity, and the headphones still do not power on, there may be excess dust or debris in the battery compartment. Use compressed air to blow any dust or debris out of the battery compartment. The power indicator should glow green when the headphones are in proper working condition; if the indicator light still does not glow green, use rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs to clean the contacts.
Noise Cancelling Not Working
Audio is working well, but the noise cancelling feature is not functioning.
Volume on Audio Device is not in Sync
If the headphones are powered on, correctly plugged in, but the noise cancelling is not functioning, take care to make sure that the volume dial is not muted. If the in-remote is set to your desired volume yet still does not provide your preferred volume, ensure that the audio device is turned on and the volume of the audio device is not muted.
Incorrect Cord Connection
Ensure that the headphones are connected properly. The headphones may be improperly connected, or the connection may have come loose. Remove and reset both ends of the headphone connector. Ensure that the auxiliary cord ports are clear of debris that would hinder connection.
Incorrect Volume Setting
If the volume coming from the headphones is either too loud or too quiet, your first step should be to inspect the in-line remote. Set the in-line remote to the highest setting and use the volume controls on the audio device to set the volume to your desired setting.
Audio Cable Not in Working Condition
Check the condition of the audio cable. If the cord is not in working condition (frayed), you may need to replace the cord or wrap it with electrical tape.
Audio Coming From Only One Side
The audio from the headphones is only being emitted from one side.
Balance Level is Off
If the audio is only being emitted from one side of the headphones, the balance level might be off. To determine this, you will have to check the balance level of the audio device. If the audio device has balance level adjustment, it may be adjusted incorrectly. Make sure to adjust it to a middle level.
Improper Connection
Be sure that the headphones are connected properly. The cable cord may have come loose or is improperly connected. Ensure that there is do debris blocking the port and stopping the connection. Remove and reset the cable jacks on both ends.
Microphone Not Working
The voice control feature on the in-remote is not responding.
Incompatible Device
If the voice control feature on the in-remote does not respond to your voice, you may not be using the headphones with compatible devices. Refer to the owner's manual of the Bose QuietComfort 25 to ensure that you are using a compatible device. If you are using a compatible device and the voice control still does not respond, the cable cord may have to be replaced.
Improper Connection
If the microphone feature is not working, the connection of the cable cord may be incomplete. Check to make sure both ends of the cable cord are properly connected. Make sure there is no loose debris blocking the cable ports.
Audio is Bad Quality (Static) or Not Being Given
The audio is either not being emitted by the headphones or is intermittent.
An Issue with the Audio Jack
If there is excessive static coming from the speakers, don't start taking apart your headphones just yet. The problem could be a problem with the audio jack on the headphones. The easiest way to test this is to plug the headphones into another device. If the static no longer occurs, the connection may be faulty. You may need to repair your speakers if the static remains.
Broken Speakers
If the speakers are broken but the audio is chopped or broken, the speakers may be broken; This can happen over time or occur due to high volume strains. To fix this problem, replacement speakers will have to be found and installed.
19 opmerkingen
Awesome!!! Cleaned with cotton stick and alcohol and light is on now'!!!
Debby Kang - Antwoord
Use cotton stick with alcohol to clean the compartment. Light is on!!! Awesome!
Debby Kang - Antwoord
Not sure of my problem. But when I try to play music with the noise cancelling on I cannot hear anything. I replaced the battery and the light is green. However now sound comes on. Sound quality is fine and normal if I dont switch on the noise cancelling capability.. Any suggestions?
Ahmed Abid - Antwoord
I have an issue where sometimes noise only plays from one side, I need to start playing a bit with the headphone and press on the ear area to get the sound back on the other side (cables are plugged-in correctly and working). Any ideas on how to fix this?
Lavinia Speeckaert - Antwoord
I’ve added this elsewhere, but it’s worth mentioning that many QC25s have a known defect (there are many people reporting this on the Bose forums and elsewhere) where one or the other speaker driver stops working suddenly. This can be distinguished from other issues from the fact that:
1. One side keeps working
2. Pressing the broken side against your head may restore partial function while pressing, and / or result in crackling noises
3. Noise cancelling as well as audio stop working on that side (if it’s just audio, it’s likely a cable issue instead)
If you have these symptoms, it is well worth contacting Bose via phone. Even if you are out of warranty, they will initially offer a replacement with a new unit for $135. I complained about the fact that this a known defect and a lot of money given what I had originally paid for the units, and they dropped the replacement charge to $71 and free shipping. They claim that the replacement units are newly manufactured (not refurbished) and the defect has been fixed.
bob - Antwoord
Cleaned with cotton stick and alcohol and light is NOT on : (
Any suggestions?
Oleg Roizman - Antwoord
If this still does not fix it, itdoes not bode well for you. Warranty if you can, if not then try an electronics repair shop.
Ivan Jones -
Alcohol + q tip fixed the battery compartment issue.
Ivan Jones - Antwoord
just pulled my qc-25 headphones out of case and they will not work! Replaced battery and get solid green light . purchased new cord, just to see if that was ikt, and still get nothing. Suggestions?
W Steve Brown - Antwoord
Noise cancellation is not working in left right is fine and without noise cancellation earphones are working both sides. Can anyone help to solve this left noise cancellation not working problem
loverboy.sagar.99 - Antwoord
Nice advices, thanks! I placed the battery upside-down and gone was the green light and the noise cancelling. I was happy to notice that there was no damage and the headphones are working properly after putting the battery the right way (although +down seems a bit odd…).
Why is there no indication of the polarity on this expensive set of headphones?) I will stick a red tape on the headband, showing the right polarity.
Niek Edeling - Antwoord
Hi everyone,
i hava bought a brand new set of BOSE QUITECONFORT EARBUDS and the microphone doesn’t works. Do you have any hint to solve it?
Cheers, Fernando
Fernando Fuentes - Antwoord
Has anyone ever experienced an imbalance with the noise cancelling function?
My headset otherwise works perfectly fine for audio, but when I turn on the noise cancelling function, recently it feels like there's more pressure in one ear than the other. I know this is the headset too because it works when I switch ears with it.
It makes me pretty much not want to use the noise cancelling function at all because it feels pretty uncomfortable. And the issue is made worse in a place with a lot of loud deep noise like a bus.
Paul Uebaru - Antwoord
Headphones work but green led is not on and I don't think NC works. I already cleaned the corrosion on the battery post and opened the headphones to check wiring but everything seems to be connected. Any ideas?
J P - Antwoord
Has anyone managed to repair QC 25s suffering from the manufacturing defect? I have a pair that have just failed in the classic manner, left ear noise cancellation failed, can temporarily restore function by pressing on the ear cup but with crackling noise. These are way out of warranty although they haven't been used that much. Bose will only offer me a £100 reduction on a new pair but it would still cost £209 to replace them. So I have nothing to lose by pulling them apart and attempting a fix - if such a thing is possible.
NJLondon - Antwoord
@loverboysagar99 greetings, were you able to solve your problem, i have similar issue with QC25
Kulwinder Singh - Antwoord
I have crackling/static and sometimes complete audio loss in the right earcup of my QC25s, especially when touching/moving the earcup, but noise cancelling still works in both earcups so I don’t think this is the known defect mentioned by @bob above. It happens regardless of connection method.
I suspect a faulty connection to the speaker or board in that earcup so I’m going to open it up and see if I can find out what’s damaged. Just wondered why there isn’t a guide for fixing internal connections – or are they implicit one or more of the other guides?
Richard Brockbank - Antwoord
After some further listening, I think I was wrong and I suspect a blown speaker instead, after an accidental extreme high volume blast about a week ago.
Richard Brockbank - Antwoord
An expensive head set, particularly when Bose will not make good on taking the malfunctioning unit back in favor of sending out a new unit. Waaaay too expensive for demonstrable lack of support.
Arthur Intemann - Antwoord