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Gebruik deze handleiding om de batterijopslagmodys van je Steam Deck vanuit het BIOS-menu te activeren.
Voordat je je Steam Deck ten behoeve van onderhoud of reparatie opent, raadt Valve je aan om de batterijopslagmodus in te schakelen voor extra veiligheid en een minimaal risico op schade aan het toestel.
In de opslagmodus zal de Steam Deck niet op de aan-/uitknop reageren. Om uit deze modus te gaan zul je de oplader op de Steam Deck moeten aansluiten.
Zet je Steam Deck uit.
Als je Steam Deck eenmaal uitgeschakeld is, houd je de volume omhoog (+)-knop ingedrukt en druk je tegelijkertijd de aan-/uitknop in.
Laat beide knoppen los.
Navigeer naar hulpprogramma's.
Navigeer naar het aan-/uitmenu.
Selecteer batterijopslagmodus.
Selecteer Ja om te bevestigen.
Worked like a charm! Thanks a bunch!
This worked for me to fix unresponsive touch screen. Thanks!
I did aplied thermal paste and when doing that i disconected the battery however all im getting is a white flashing light on the steam deck.
I did this and upgraded my SSD. Put it all back together and plug the charger worked. But now it want turn on until I plug in the charger Everytime.
Om uit de batterijopslagmodus te gaan, sluit je de oplader op je Steam Deck aan.
Ging de reparatie niet zoals gepland? Bezoek dan onze algemene probleemoplossingspagina, of stel je vraag op ons Steam Deck-antwoordenforum voor hulp bij het oplossen van je probleem.
Om uit de batterijopslagmodus te gaan, sluit je de oplader op je Steam Deck aan.
Ging de reparatie niet zoals gepland? Bezoek dan onze algemene probleemoplossingspagina, of stel je vraag op ons Steam Deck-antwoordenforum voor hulp bij het oplossen van je probleem.
Annuleren: ik heb deze handleiding niet afgemaakt.
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17 opmerkingen
I thought that this mode is also for when you not going to use your Steam Deck for more than a week. And if so, what is the percentage of battery you should leave the Steam Deck with before putting it in storage.
The help page valve provides via the device indicates not to engage the mode above 80% state of charge.
From my personal experience with other devices and the state of charge the device ships at, I'd recommend something around 50% to 60% as a desirable storage point for best battery life during long-term storage
You discharge below 25% before repairs and upgrades to reduce the risk should you short or physically damage the battery, but they also recommend enabling Storage Mode in order to ensure the Deck is fully powered down, to avoid damage to the electronics.
Lithium batteries usually needs to be stored at around 50% SOC, however when you want to store such a battery, you also have to keep in mind the self discharge rate, and the fact that once over-discharged (even through self discharge) a lithium based battery could be dead and should never be recharged as it could burst in flame. That's why 60-65% is a good choice, as it will allow you to store it a lot longer without reaching over discharge state.
Help! I followed these instructions to a T and also replaced my SSD following that guide to a T and now I'm presented with this message:
"Default Boot Device Missing or Boot Failed. Insert Recovery Media and Hit any key
Then Select 'Boot Manager' to choose a new Boot Device of to Boot Recovery Media."
I don't know what any of this means and I can't find a single straight answer anywhere.
You need to install an OS.
See Valve's instructions -
Rich -
Does battery storage mode mess with the files in anyway. Im having an issue with the deck and steam support suggested putting it in battery storage mode then turning it back on but i have non-steam games that aren't connected to any server so if the files get messed up the save data is basically just gone permanently.
Battery Storage Mode just locks out the Deck's power supply until it is recharged. It does not affect any files.
If you swap your SSD you'll want to back up any old files first from the old SSD, or failing that obtain a USB adapter and boot your PC into Linux (or a Linux VM) to retrieve the files from the old SSD.
Good morning, I'm having a problem with my steam deck, it simply stopped loading and the light that indicates it is loading is not turning on. When it was still on, it showed that it was charging but it wasn't and it ended up unloading
помогите лазил в bios че то там на крутил и теперь при входе в bios не работает не кноки не сенсер, рестарт и тд не помогает. ну в самих играх и виндус 11 кнопки все работают как сделать bios обратно как все было? я зайти в него могу а переключать не чё не могу
If you followed the directions to a T you would of seen the part where they explain that you need to install a recovery OS they explain that steps once in the begining and once at the end.
Confirmed that this restored to my Oled Deck its ability to recognize the stock charger and start charging the battery again. Will it last? How did i get here in the first place? i do not know. But randomly the charger stopped actually charging and would light the light when plugged in, and would be somewhat recognized in desktop mode, but it said "not charging". I'll update here if something about this made things worse somehow. So far so good, the battery level remained the same before doing this, and is now up a few percent.
I follow the guide to a T and even after entering battery storage mode it still boots up after tap the power button once, I've tried several times and I'm afraid to try and swap my ssd over if it doesn't actually remain in battery storage mode.
My battery isn't charging past 2% and states over 100 hours to be fully charged yest it still hasn't progressed past 2% after three hours of charging. This is with the 15w steam charger.
Probably months late, but if someone else is in that case, maybe read