Controller turns off by itself after repair
I installed hall sensors in my controller because of stick drift,
it worked fine for the first gaming session for about 2-3 hours with no issues.
next day I wanted to use the controller, it turned off after 1-2 sec, and there could be up to 5 min´s before I could "try" to use it again with the same result. a few times it worked for about 20 sec and I could confirm that the ps5 says the battery on the controller is full, and no charge light comes up when connected to the ps5.
my ps5 at some point got fed up with me trying to reconnect the faulty controller that it wanted to restart and do some kind of repair which took under a sek, and I was not able to read it.
same story with hardware tester usbwired to a pc, it would show up for about a sec. and then disappear. and then randomly show up at different intervals for the same 1 sek.
what would make it do this ?
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